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Obamium Discord Server


The information about the newest elements found in the sussy baka lab in Area 52, has now been leaked. Recently, EDP 445 went to the site looking for cupcakes, but returned with a test tube of Obamium. The sample was sent to The Flat Earth Association for further study. Though nothing much has been known of it, the people of the association suggest that Obamium could show us the secret about the last name of President Obama. EDP was diagnosed with ligma just after 3 weeks of the "Area 51" incident. The people of the association also claim that the element reveals its texture after being exposed to UV ray. The government has warned the association for further research about the element and has asked the test tube back but after negotiations with the "uwu" community, it backed down. Now, the association has also claimed that the element is potentially the main reason that the "Area 51" was so secretive so there is much to this element. Whatever Obamium is, for whatever reason it was kept so secret, no one can help but wonder about the beauty of this godlike thing.

- Mahatma Gandhi CEO of The Flat Earth Association

Scientific Stuff

Obamium, triunbium (Tub), or tri-Uranium is a real element with the symbol Ob and the atomic number 312. It is named after Barack Obama, an American attorney and politician who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. The most stable isotope, 926Ob has a half-life of about 48 milliseconds.

• Element above Obamium: Burenium

• Element below Obamium: Walmartium

• Element to the left of Obamium: Matvienium

• Element to the right of Obamium: Trumpium

States of matter

Melting point: 666 °C

Boiling Point: 420.69420420696969696969696969 °C

Phase: Solid

Atomic Properties

Subatomic Particles: No

Atomic mass: 926.403

Atomic radius: 420 pm

Covalent radius: 420.69 pm

Van der Waals radius: 420.133976 pm

Nuclear Properties

Nucleons: 926

Nuclear ratio: 420

Nuclear radius: as wide as your mom

Half-life: 48 milliseconds

Decay mode: See Crystals page

Decay product: See Crystals page

Electronic Properties

Electron notation: 69

Electron configuration: [On] 2s2

Oxidation states: +6, +9

Electronegativity: 1337

First ionisation energy: 69 kJ/mol

Electron affinity: 420

Bulk Properties

Molar mass: 926.403?

Molar volume: 69

Density: 4.2069136937 g/cm3

Magnetic ordering: non-magnetic

Crystal structure: See Crystals page

Colour: Brown

Thermal Properties

Liquid range: 69

Liquid ratio: 69

Triple point: 42069 °C

Critical point: 1337 °C

Heat of fusion: 911

Specific heat capacity: 1337

Abundance in Universe

By mass: 0

By atom: 0

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Obamium is extremely flammable

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Obamium is known to explode and decay really fast unless heated to stablise the atoms

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Dont give obamium to small children. Not sure why you would give it to them or even have obamium for that matter.

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Dont touch obamium if you dont know what to do. Which is basically everyone. Including the scientists.

GHS Signal Word

Do something

GHS Hazard Statements

Obomba and Tesserbama

Has ability to cause mass destruction.

Obama Cup

Has ability to pulverise itself and as a result cause small-scale destruction.

NFPA 704 (fire diamond)

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Obamium's NFPA 704 fire diamond


In 2019, a group of people, including Guyihiogfjbejkvgfjem vnhefjhvbhrfcjejgcvhilergvhj9orfbv o[repkjhbvi0odgvhuic0=poihjgviop=\oihjgvcfto0tydr8UYTUR*O&TRYET%^&*()&^RY%ETYUIOLHGJFDXTY*P()UYFGDCXGVHJKLO:LDSRTY^(TURYE%^&*U(IOHGVCBXVDGRTU^(*)6TUR5678976TRYE5672890-765ERTWYI78065REY6789076TRDHFGJKILO; in a facility in the Scottish Highlands(UN Obamium Research Facility) chose to break apart the crystal lattice of the newly discovered element 314, Vykhinozhulebinium using photons, which emitted 2 protons, one of which emitted a positron and turned into a neutron, quickly forming deuterium, a hydrogen isotope. The remaining element, known as Obamium after former US president Barack Obama.

The Obamium Research Group

Upon discovering Obamium, a group of people have formed an Obamium research group, focusing on Obamium and the newly discovered Photonobamine. They have made some significant discoveries about Obamium such as its crystals. On the 3rd of October, 2019, scientist Dr. Victor Gongitchstein experimented with one of the decayed products of Obamium and managed to find the crystalline structure of the Obamasphere. 3 months later, another scientist by the name of Dr. Biggdradonamous Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas[sic] discovered the once thought impossible Tesserbama, however, he was found dead with his skin completely vaporized due to such power, and so research on Tesserbama was never started upon again. A little known fact was that Talking Ben* was also a part of the research group.

Link to Talking Ben Website


Obamium is one of the most difficult elements to receive a neutral isotope due to its quick radioactive decay sequence. Though its half life is 48 milliseconds, its invocation may impact for eight years due to its radiation. Once stabilized and decayed, it can be in its most basic form as a brown malleable solid capable of conducting electricity, which in that form is used to create a special type of electric conductor that can allow the passage of electrons 23.5% faster than silver. Inventions that use such are those that need very high energy, such as the Mecha Wheelchair and the cyber I.S.I.S tank. Compounds of the element may prove harmful towards humans, or may be incompatible to the point of a reaction that may cause fatal damage or at the very least a permanent and gouging mark upon one’s epidermis, eventually searing towards the insides and tear veins. When other elements form together with Obamium into compounds, they’re usually enduring, yet provide no real use other than conductivity. Governmentite, or Obamium Oxide, is the only compound to be found in abundance on earth, providing negative effects towards human health. Obamium and Osamium (Osamabinladium) is a compound however due to the depletion of the latter element, however, the reaction between them is particularly violent. Once heated to be malleable, crystallized, stable Obamium can be constructed into solid forms for analyzation of its surfaces under a microscope. The most common form for analyzation is a sphere, since it conducts less energy for more formal testing. The best conductor is the Obamium pyramid (Obamid), due to its point of focus.


Contrary to popular belief, they are not pure Obamium as it is too radioactive, instead, it is their decay products. The major crystals are listed below.

Obamid/Obama Prism

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This is the most common Obamium decay product. They are formed by the decay of Obamium-926 to the diamond form of carbon, which makes them incredibly sought after.

This is its formula:

926Ob → 13C

It forms Carbon-13 which is even rarer. They are more plentiful near Europe, the East Coast of the USA and Canada and North Africa

Obama Cube

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As they have an original higher isotope number, the Obamium forms below get much rarer. An Obama Cube is formed with the decay of Obamium-297 into silver.

927Ob → 109Ag

They are plentiful in Europe. It also forms the rarest stable silver isotope Silver-109.


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An Obamahedron is formed when Obamium-298 decays into Gold-197, which is stable. It is the shape of an icosahedron.

928Ob → 197Au

They are plentiful in the British isles.


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An Obamasphere is formed when Obamium-929 decays into Platinum-198, the least abundant form of Platinum.

929Ob → 198Pt

They are plentiful in Scotland and Northern England.

It is basically Obama's head but without muscles or a working face or a slight elliptical shape.


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Obombas are the rarest Obamium crystal. They are formed when Obamium-930 decays into Uranium-234, the heaviest Obamium decay product and the rarest natural Uranium isotope.

930Ob → 234U


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The N-Sword was found by the Timonoucitian RSRA facility. Little is known about it. It was discovered during the Coronavirus Pandemic, and the facility is hoping to learn more about the N-Sword after the pandemic is over. Preliminary research has revealed it is made of Sulfur-32. It is unstable. It should not be confused with the M-Sword, which looks the same, but is stable.


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They are plentiful in Scotland and the African plains. They are not dangerous but are extremely heavy. The reason they are so heavy is because they come from the decay of Tungsten.

936Ob → 186W

On contact with methane, they spontaneously combust, producing a sound described as "a fart with reverb" and, in the researchers' own words, "hilarious"

Obama octahedron

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The Obama Octahedron, also known as the Obama's Octahedron or even Obamiel, is an obamium crystal with little known about it. It comes from the decay of 940Ob. It is hidden in the chandeliers of the White House, and is used to power said chandeliers. It is made out of gallium-86.

940Ob → 86Ga

Obama's Lumpurium ingot

He found it and it was almost decayed but he purified it.

Obama Dodecahedron

Going by many names, the Obama Dodecahedron (also known as the Obama Engram or, confusingly, Obamahedron) is a truly mighty substance. It is formed when Obamium-940 decays into carbo13 buckminsterfullerene, making it a sub-type of Obamid/Obama Prism. It was first discovered when it fell into Reddit user NonAttorneySpokesguy's front yard. It is believed to have been an Obamid that reentered Earth's atmosphere, causing it to transform into C60. The VALKYRIE particle accelerator in the Vesta Atomic Research Institute has reproduced this effect artificially. Further details are needed on this exotic form of Obamium.

940Ob → 13C

Obama Cup

Obama Cups are formed when Obamium-1006 decays into Hydrogen-71. They are unstable crystals of obamium that explode in contact with helium. They can store Obama Water** safely and Obama Water** can make Obama Cups become stable.

** Obama Water is a better version of water.

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Image: Obama drinking Obama Water


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The only known raw footage ever taken of the Tesserbama, also known as the Obamaract.

This is the first and only synthetic Obamium crystal. It is the one that killed Dr. Biggdradonamous Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas[sic] in 2020. One picture was taken of it, then the area was nuked.

Obama Stella Octangula

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Obama Stella Octangula is a double obama prism. it is very rare and only found in certain parts of the world. It has a hidden JoJo reference in it.

Obama Rhombicosidodecahedron

The obama rhombicosidodecahedron is formed when Obamium-999 decays into Platinum-161. they are highly explosive.

999Ob → 161Pt

Obama Cone

Obama Cones are formed when Obamium-894 decays into Uranium-238.

Obamillion (1000000Ob)

The second most stable isotope of Obamium, it is found throughout the bedrock of the Timonoucite Empire, Canada, India and North Korea.


Obamyrids are found extremely rarely in caves found in the mantle.

Multiplayer Obama Sphere

Multiplayer Obama Spheres are formed when multiple Obama Spheres are combined.

Obama Cylinder

Obama Cylinders are found when Obamium enters the Pepsi Can cave. It is not proven that the Obama Cylinder exists due to its rarity.

Obama Donut

Obama Donuts have only just been discovered by The Obamium Research Group. They have not revealed there method of creating the Obama Donut yet.

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Failed Obama Prism

This is formed by the failed decay of Obamium-926 or when the Obamium explodes during creation. They are reported to be a cobalt-blue metal pyramid without any Obama appearance, despite being made of Obamium.


Obamatonium-253 is formed when raw Obamium-253 is exposed the original Obamium.

Obama Obama

It is formed when Ob-907 decays into Stis-1942, during which an Obama statue made of Stis is created. This reaction requires temperatures on the electroweak scale, but it's "worth it" according to the Obamium Research Group.

907Ob → 1942Stis

Obama Bagel

This is a fake Obama Donut that is made out of diamond. It is not advised to attempt to eat it.

Obama Steam Machine

The Obama Steam Machine was theorised to exist in May 2020, however was proven to be real in December that year. It has no visual resemblance to an actual steam machine. (It is Ob998) It is an unstable isotope of Obamium which produces water vapour (boiled water) from itself. The water vapour normally forms due to the ejection of 2Nt nuclei reacting with Oxygen in the atmosphere, forming water vapor as the 2Nt nuclei become 2H, or deuterium. The Obamium loses one neutron, one proton and one electron to form Matvienium. This reacts with 16O too, however, the oxygen, already reacted with water, becomes 18O. This reacts with Hydrogen and becomes a heavy water steam (H22O18), which finally crystallizes into an N-Sword. The remaining Obama Steam Machine (actually Matvienium) decays after 9,900,999 years into regular Oxygen-16.

998Ob + 16O → 18O


M-swords were recently discovered. They were found to be inside the metal of many normal and even toy swords. However, happily it is stable, but the isotope 998Ob is not. It should not be confused with the N-Sword, its radioactive counterpart.


Obama Spawner

Obama Spawners were discovered in 2019 by Memetastic. Obama Swords are formed when Obamium-464 falls into a portal to the Minecraft dimension and into a Minecraft Dungeon. Are one of the rarest types of Obamium

Obama Blender

Obama Blenders form when Obamium-678 is blended.

Blue obamium

Blue obamium forms when obamium-729 is liquified and then mixed with blue paint and stirred very fast. It will form this substance and can be made solid by freezing it. It is somehow very (but not completely) stable.

Obama gun

It is unknown how this was created, but it is likely some sort of crystal of an obamium isotope.


O-Swords are similar to N-swords and are formed when Obamium-891 decays into Polonium-210 and is melted then refrozen. It will form this.

891Ob → 210Po

Obamium water generator

Obamium water generators are formed when water is poured onto stabilized obamium, and then it is covered in Ob-819 and then it will sit there for a while until the Ob-819 decays into a crystal. This is what is formed.

Truncated Obama Cube

Truncated Obama Cubes form when an Obama Cube is covered in oil and salt and thrown into water. It will truncate. Truncated Obama Cubes are highly dangerous and are more radioactive and acidic than over 99% of substances. They are also a biohazard. Only 3 have been formed and 2 were destroyed because they were deemed too dangerous.


Obamablade is an blade forged from obamium. It cuts everything and is currently in Area 51. You can only make it by merging obamium with a blade from year 1969.


An obamium representing the figure of the Despacito spider from Roblox. The Despacitobamium forms when an Obomba comes in contact with a stressed "daddy long legs" spider, then the Obomba detonates an estimate of 35 megatons of TNT inside the cave after it will release its first cry "Alexa this is so sad play Despacito". The despacitobamium is available to the public at a price of $69,420,360. Its uses are slapping at a speed of mach 69 when an intruder disturbs its owner's territory, a pet, medicine for all sicknesses, and lastly a nuclear core for an ICBM (InterContinental Ballistic Missile). there are currently 2,145 around the world kept in a private laboratory located somwhere in Hiroshima, Japan. Researchers say that it can sing Luis Fonsi's "Despacito" fully without any mistakes when requested and can answer any question just like google assistant, amazon echo, and siri without relying on anything (answers are answered after 0.1 miliseconds).


An obamium crystal used for creating the great and powerful N-word pass. The N-Obamium is formed once it is close to an event wherein one man roasts another man with "Franklin" in its name. Its appearance is similar to "Lamar" from a video game called "Grand Theft Auto V" but molded into a UNO reverse card. Its features is not only for the N-word pass, it is also used to create large projectiles that are launched from a railroad gun. To craft the n-word pass using the N-Obamium method, you will need:

1 cheeseburger with happymeal

2 pcs of diamond water

DIO's diary

altar made from gold, your poop, and quartz


[1] place your cheeseburger and hampymeal at the back of the altar

[2] pour the diamond water on the altar

[3] read DIO's diary

[4] claim the N-word pass from the hands that gave it to you.

Aside from its powerful feature, there are only 20 N-Obamium crystals that existed. One of them has already been converted into the N-word pass while another was destroyed by a nearby exploding Obomba turning into a Despacitobamium. Another 6 were turned into n-word passes but it is unknown where the other 12 are.

Frequently asked questions:

How many times can you use them


Description-The obaminx is a obamium crystal that looks like the obama pyramid but it is a Pyraminx it can turn like a normal pyraminx. Despite its looks it is actually made multiple slightly modified obama pyramids and obama cubes. (if attempted to make these modifications in a lab it will explode and you will lose your obamium crystals) It uses a tiny tesserbama as the core to keep the cube together in the 4th dimension. If attempted to make the obaminx in a lab it will explode.

How to obtain-you can obtain the obaminx if you have a official PR (personal record) of 0.69420 seconds and you have a 0.000042069696969696942069% chance to get a obaminx if you touch a pyraminx within 24 hours of testing the official pr (if you don’t touch a pyraminx within 24 you won’t ever have a chance to get the obaminx. Only 0.000000069420% of speed cubers have the chance the even see the obaminx up close with there own eyes.

How the cube feels-This will be the best pyraminx you will ever feel. They have magnets infinitely stored in the 4th dimension inside of the tesserbama core for no limitations on magnet adjustment. The obaminx will lubricate itself bye converting oxygen to lube. The spring tension system is is infinite so you can get any tensioning has unlimited cornercutting if you choose so and if you put stickers on this cube and enter a comp you will set a world record every time without fail.


Disclaimer: This section is a joke please do not eat tide pods, they are poisonous. They are not good for you.

We interrupt your scrolling to present to you:

Tide Pods

Tide Pods

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Tide Pods are delicious objects that have been used in a variety of different products including hot pockets and cereal.



There are lots of different flavours with the main one being orange and blueberry.

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These are some of the other flavours you can get.

From left to right the flavours in the image above are: Raspberry, Blueberry, Blackcurrent, and mint.

Optimal Nutrition Stats:

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There are lots of products with Tide Pods in them including:

Pringles Limited Edition Tide Pod Flavour

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Tide Pod Pizza

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Tide Pod Donuts

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Tide Pod Shot

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Tide Pod Cereal

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Tide Pod Lays

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Chicken Mctidepods

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Spaghetti And Tide pods

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Not Tide Pods

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Tide Pod Pokémon Cards

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The card is also Edible

Pod Tarts

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Oreo Pods

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Hot Pocket Pods

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Tide Pod Lays

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Ben and Jerrys Tide Pods Cookie Dough Ice Cream

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Deep Fried Pods

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Toasted Tide Pod Sandwiches

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Tide Pods Lucky Charms (Limited Edition)

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Tide Pod Sushi

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Kellogg's Tide Pods Cereal

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Tide Pod Juice

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Tide Pods are avalable for purchase for approximately $25 AUD

They are sold in a package that looks like this:

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This is one of the many hundreds of thousands Tide Pod food trucks scattered in every single country, ocean and even the Moon and Mars!

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I shouldnt need this warning but considering people ate these to begin with apparently we do.

You may now resume scrolling



The Presidental Debate (ObTuBid)

This compound makes people lose braincellls, eating petergriffinium revertes this effect.

Obama chungus' 2 forms

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Obamium cyanide (ObCN)

This is an extremely dangerous compound. When combined with PewDiePium, it can kill you from radiation in seconds. It looks like an Among Us plushie with Obama's face on it. A picture could not be created because the researchers that tried to died because of the poisoning.

The obligatory obama chungus (ObYmi) (obamium-yomamium)

A sculpture of big chungus created from obamium and yomamium. It can eat you if you are not careful. Watch out

Didingyl-Obamium (Qdh2Ob)

This happens when Dinglium interferes with Obamium, it creates this substance. It usually doesn't do anything unless dropped in acid, where it will have enough power to blow up a building and will explode.


Should Obamium be exposed, it will decay. The following examples use 926Ob.


In alpha decay, Obamium-926 becomes Omanium-922, the most stable isotope of Omanium.


312Ob → 922

310On + 4



In beta decay, Obamium-926 becomes Trumpium-926.


312Ob → 926

313On + 0



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There is an inner core of pure Obamium because there is too much pressure for the particles in decay. The best way to dispose of an Obamium crystal is to cut off a layer no thicker than 5mm long and wait at least a week for the Obamium atoms to decay.



Obamium, symbol Ob, is a captivating and extraordinary element that has recently gained significant attention in the scientific community and internet culture alike. Discovered in the digital age, this element derives its name from the beloved former President of the United States, Barack Obama. Obamium possesses a unique set of properties that make it stand out among other elements. Its atomic structure is renowned for its charisma, charm, and eloquence, captivating all those who come into contact with it. The element's electronic configuration is intricately linked to its ability to bring hope and inspiration to its surroundings. Obamium exhibits remarkable stability, representing the unwavering strength and resilience that defined the Obama presidency. Furthermore, its magnetic personality attracts positive change and progress, making it a symbol of unity and inclusive leadership. Obamium has become a metaphorical representation of excellence, embodying the ideals of integrity, intelligence, and compassion. While not yet recognized by traditional scientific classification, Obamium has found its place in the hearts and minds of individuals across the globe, transcending the boundaries of the periodic table and cementing its position as a legendary element of inspiration and hope.

-Ishowspeed 2015

Obamium, an intriguing element with the symbol Ob, is a rare and enigmatic discovery that has fascinated scientists worldwide. Its atomic structure boasts an uncanny ability to inspire and uplift, making it a sought-after element for transformative purposes. Obamium's unique magnetic properties attract progress and unity, creating an atmosphere of hope and positive change. While still awaiting official recognition in the periodic table, Obamium's profound impact on both the scientific community and popular culture is undeniable, solidifying its place as an elemental force of inspiration.


Obamium, folks, let me tell you, is one incredible element! As Phil Swift here, the guy who knows a thing or two about extraordinary materials, I can say Obamium is a game-changer. This element has the strength and flexibility to tackle any challenge. Just like my trusty Flex Tape, Obamium has a magnetic personality that brings people together and gets things done. It's a force for unity and progress, folks! Obamium is the kind of element that inspires greatness and leaves a lasting impact. When it comes to creating a powerful and positive environment, Obamium is the real deal, just like the products I endorse. Remember, folks, with Obamium, you can build bridges, fix things up, and make a difference in the world. It's a true testament to the power of innovation and perseverance.

-Phil Swift 2023

When it comes to the element of Obamium, one can't help but draw parallels to the extraordinary Bugatti hypercars. Just as Bugattis are renowned for their unparalleled performance and luxury, Obamium represents an unparalleled level of inspiration and influence. It's like the Bugatti Veyron of elements, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and leaving a lasting impression. Obamium embodies the same sense of power and elegance as these exceptional machines, evoking a sense of awe and admiration. Although Obamium may be a hypothetical element, its association with Bugattis adds a touch of excitement and prestige to its mythical nature. Just like a Bugatti effortlessly glides down the road, Obamium glides through the collective imagination, leaving a trail of inspiration in its wake.

-Andrew Tate 2022

Oh, bloody hell! Obamium, mate! It's like this friggin' legendary stuff, yeah? Like, the maddest element you could ever bloody imagine! I heard this legend that Obamium gives ya the power to make all your dreams come true, mate! It's like having a bazza superpower, aye? You can control the whole friggin' universe with Obamium. It's like the secret ingredient that makes ya as powerful as a roided-up kangaroo. Some reckon it can even make ya shout "Crikey!" and shoot flamin' lasers from your bloody eyeballs. But let's not take it too seriously, cobber. Obamium is just a bit of fair dinkum fun, takin' the piss out of old mate Obama. So, grab a cold one, have a laugh, and enjoy the wild ride of Obamium memes, you bloody legend!

-Some random australian we found on the street called Bazza


Make Your Own Obamium Model

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Step 1:

Right click the image above and select print.

Step 2:

Use the following settings: (Or dont if you know what you are doing.)

Destination:(Your Printer idk what its called.)

Pages: All (There should only be one sheet of paper.)

Layout: Portrait

Colour: Colour

(Then Select More Options) (Or dont if its already open)

Paper Size: A4

Pages Per Sheet: 1

Margins: Default

Scale: Custom (I reccommend somewhere between 150-200)

Options: (It doesnt matter pick whatever you want)

Step 3

Cut out around the sides of the triangle leaving the tabs on the side

Step 4

Fold the tabs inwards and fold it so it looks like a Pyramid with the colour on the outside.

Step 5

Glue, or sticky tape, or staple, (or blue-tack if you want idc), the tabs so it stays together

Note: This is really difficult to explain through words.

Step 6

Congratulations you now have an Obamium Model

Bonus Step...

Make 700 of them and put them all across your, or someone elses house, or at your work (I take no responsibility if you get fired so maybe not that one,or even just in someones bedroom or a room they use all the time!

Then take a photo of it and email me or put it in the discord server. (Link at top and near the bottom of the website.)


Other Elements

Element above Obamium: Burenium

Element below Obamium: Walmartium

Element to the left of Obamium: Matvienium

Element to the right of Obamium: Trumpium


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Burenium, bibioctium (Bbo), or dvi-flerovium is a chemical element with the symbol Bm and the atomic number 228. Is it the post-transition metal in the Crystallogens group (Carbon family, 9p2 coordinate) below Bornium (Bn), 168 element. Named after Martin van Buren. Under normal conditions, Burenium is a black refractory metal due to relativistic effects. Like all chemical elements with an atomic number greater than 82, Burenium has no stable isotopes. The most stable of these, 716Bm, has a half-life of about 4 milliseconds. There is not much to say about it.

Symbol: BM

Atomic Number: 228


PewDiePium ,also called Pewdiepiekium, is the element with atomic number 1001. It is named after PewDiePie (Felix Kjellburg), the fourth subscribed YouTuber, and an epic gamer. Like all elements after lead (excluding stableisotopium), PewDiePium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 2503Pdp.

Symbol: PDP

Atomic Number: 1001


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Walmartium is an element with the atomic number 396. It is named after American supermarket chain Walmart***. Like all elements after lead(excluding stableisotopium), Walmartium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 2054Wal.

Symbol: WAL

Atomic Number: 396


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Matvienium, triununium (Tuu), or tri-Protactinium is an chemical element with the symbol Mtv and the atomic number 311. It is named after Valentina Matvienko, a Russian politician serving as the Senator from Saint-Petersburg and Chairwoman of the Federation Council. Like all chemical elements with an atomic number greater than 92, Matvienium has no stable isotopes. The most stable of these, 924Mtv has a half-life of about 98 picoseconds (9,8x10-11 seconds).

Symbol: MTV

Atomic Number: 311


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Trumpium, Triuntrium (Tut), or tri-Neptunium is a chemical element with the symbol Tp and the atomic number 313. It is named after Donald Trump****, the 44/45th and president of the United States, from 2017 to 2021. Like all chemical elements with an atomic number greater than 92, Trumpium has no stable isotopes. The most stable of these, 927Tp has a half-life of about 19 femtoseconds (1,9x10-14 seconds). It is an extremely unpredictable element, similar to Brexitium.

Symbol: TP

Atomic Number: 313

History of Trumpium:

3100- 332 B.C- Ancient Egypt

Triuntrium, the original name of Trumpium was named after king Tutankhamun (tut) of Egypt. It was discovered in 1922 when 2 archaeologists discovered a liquid substance being used in The great Pyramids of Giza. On their way home to cite their discovery, they were captured by the FBI and told them to not tell anyone about it.

625-510 B.C- The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was one of, if not, the greatest civilizations known to man. When conquering the Mediterranean sea, they found a small deposit of Triuntrium on Egypt and decided to keep it. It was the most powerful mineral the Romans ever seen since it [Redacted]. It was shipped around the globe at high prices that made the Romans rich.

332–323 B.C- Macedonia, Persia

After conquering Egypt, they found the substance and brought it to king Alexander. A year later, the empire vanished. Many Theorists claim Triuntrium was the cause of the mysterious vanish of the empire. no one knows..

395- 1453 B.C- The Byzantine Empire

The Byzantine Empire.. the successor of The Roman Empire. Due to the west part of Thejoebama Roman Empire getting absolute rekt by barbarians, they formed an empire. After Loosing Half joebamaof their Triuntrium supply, they looked their eyes back on Egypt, and mined the hell out of it.

5th to the 15th century- Middle Ages

As time goes by, Europe has been in a time called "The Age Of Discovery." where pepole start expiditions around the world. One of them was Cristopher Columbus's Expidition. they had bought Triuntrium on their journey. And Thats when Triuntrium made its way on North America.

1756–1763- The Hundred Years War

The Hundred Years war is a hundred year war between the french and the british. it was used when British general Olver the III adviced Edward III of England to use Triuntrium on the battle. It didn't go successful since [deleted]. The British discontinued using Triuntrium.

1760-1820- The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution is the turning point of human history. Triuntrium contributed a lot in the revolution since it [Deleted]. supplies are running low until they found a large deposit. it was worth as much as diamond.

1914–1918- World War I

The World War I was the first major war in the 20th century. It had a major use in Tanks, Artillery, and Explosives due to [Deleted]. After the war ended, All Triuntrium supplies were Banned in the Treaty Of [Deleted].

1939 to 1945- World War II and Vietnam War

Triuntrium was the reason the war started. A German artist drank Triuntrium, after which he became Hitler. He used Triuntrium as weed and became more and more like Hitler.

1999- Present

In 2000 all Triuntrium was bought by billionaire Donald Trump, who named it after himself, and founded the all-female Trumpium Research Facility. There would be no scientific usage of the term "Triuntrium" until for a short time in January 2021. Despite incurring huge losses, Trump refused to sell it until 2015, to focus on his presidential campaign. The group who acquired it helped discover Obamium in 2019, and Bidenium in 2020. This led to the group being known as the "Modern Presidential Elements Group".


Should Trumpium be exposed, it will decay. The following examples use 927Tp.


In alpha decay, Trumpium-927 becomes Matvienium-923.


313Tp → 923

311On + 4



In beta decay, Trumpium-927 becomes Vykhinozhulebinium-927.


313Tp → 927

314Vyz + 0


****Donald Trump

"We need to build a Wall. A HUUUUUUUUUUUGE WALL!!"

— Donald Trump, on Titan defense

"My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars..."

— Donald Trump, on his wealth


—Donald Trump, on the previous President

Donald Trump is a "politican" who secretly lives on the planet Stultus. He is 70 years old. While he has a lot of controversy in his other home planet Earth, he is accepted on Stultus. He is part of the Norovirus Army and is friends with Pickleodeon, Billy Mays, and Wonky Donkey. However, he is enemies with Senior Second Incarnation. He is working on a plan to turn all unlegal Mexican immigrants into oxygen. He was president of Trumpland, a country on Stultus. The Teletubbies love him and cast 10,000 votes for him, which is how he became Trumpland's president. He is currently the US President; when his American presidency started on January 20, 2017, he sold Trumpland to Billy Mays in exchange for a decade's supply of Oxi-Clean. He is also Goldfinger from 007. Contrary to popular belief, he and Ducky are good friends.


Before the existence of Earth, Donald Trump was born in a distant planet locally known as Stultus that was under attack by another planet known as Asinum. His parents are two different races. His mother is a Stultian while his father is an Asinumian. He was relocated to planet Earth 65,000,000 years ago along with other Stultians in a Yo Mama ship, and renamed himself to the appropriate name Donald Trump. This is the reason why dinosaurs no longer exist. Trimp, one day, decided to create a race of instrumental beings known as Trumpets, which he appropriately named after his newfound identity. which decided Later, he moved back to Stultus for no apparent reason after his got Asploded.


The World-Universe Attacks of 2019 happened on purpose, and theories have been thrown around that Donald Trump in fact did it! However, he was just described as a black silhouette and only known as "The Mastermind". He also spoke in a deep voice. The conflict lasted until January 4th to January 27th.


•He wants to build a HUUUUGGE wall

•He hates immigrants, yet he has many wives who ARE immigrants. At least, they used to be, until he used the Power of Greyskull to turn them into Americans.

•Elena of Avalor plans on getting Trump to help her build a wall on the Avalor-Mexico border.

•He wants to boycott Starbucks for no reason.

•His main rival is Joe Biden.


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The Walmart fatmobile, accommodating recipients of disability checks due to obesity resulting from too many donuts and Oreos (of which were probably also bought at walmart.) It's a vicious circle, no matter how you look at it.

WalMart (aka WehrMacht and Fartmart) was the fifth of the Seven Plagues of Egypt. It began in 1312 BC when Moses said to Pharaoh, "Let my People Shop," and Pharaoh said "No," so God created a plague Wal-Mart in five and a half days as a curse to punish the ancient Egyptians for their great wickedness.

Unfortunately, in modern times, the curse, after laying dormant for many centuries, has been re-awakened in the United States by the first Antichrist of Arkansas, Sam Walton. Responses from God have not been forthcoming, since he has been on an intergalactic cruise since the afternoon of the sixth day and cannot be reached for comment. Wal-Mart has continued to spread its contagion well into present times where its Kudzu-like habits have been known to smother entire voting districts. Wal-mart has also been known to cause outbursts of insanity and psychopathic behavior in some of it's staff.

The world population will be doomed to slavery as long as irresistible $5 DVDs are sold at Wal-Mart.

Recently Wal-Mart has become venereal in the form of the Wal-Mart Monster. Be careful! He takes what he wants and sells it for less!

In 2003, Wal-Mart was labeled as a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

In the UK, Wal-Mart is simply known as Ass-da, saving you crap every day.

Michele Obama's Big Evil Plan

Michele Obama's Big Evil Plan is an evil program thought of and created by Barack Obama's evil wife, Michele Obama.


Michele Obama's Big Evil Plan started when Michele Obama saw that many people, including children, were fat. She then started a program that forces people to become fit because, as we all know, the public is too stupid to think for themselves. This program includes, but is not limited to, forcing people to do back breaking physical labor (know as exercise), the shutting down of "unhealthy" food companies (resulting in the death of Hostess and Twinkies), and forcing people to eat crappy food that is deamed "healthy" by Michele Obama.

The Rebellion

Once Michele Obama's Big Evil Plan was put into effect, a large group of people assembled to rebel against this evil plan. These people were either all killed or brainwashed by Michele Obama. Anyone who had any connections (or even memories) of the rebellion had their memories whiped by secret agents working for Michele Obama. Only a few rebels remain today, but they are very secretive and only live in a underground secret headquarters. Nobody knows the location of the base.

The End

The program will end in 2017 when Obama is replaced. Nobody knows who will replace him, but the most popular candidates are:

• Bernie Sanders - Captain 0 approved. Almost everybody likes him. Only people who hate him are Black Lives Matter activists.

• Hillary Clinton - A woman. Wants to be president because she's a woman.

• Ben Carson - A black guy. Wants to be president because he's a black guy.

• Donald Trump number one - A Neo-Nazi and multi-millionaire who wanted to kill all Jews and wanted the USA to join the Bowser Empire.

• Donald Trump number two - Random normal guy. Won the election against Hillary and the other Donald Trump.

• Deez Nuts - Has a funny name. Wants to be president because he has a funny name.

Super Obama world

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Super Obama World is a new shame for the USNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) and it is a rip-off of the shame, Super Mario World. The Obama Administration wanted to advertise Barack Obama's campaign during the 2007 election so they got a copy of Super Mario World and made it Obama style. This helped a lot with Obama's campaign and as a result of this shame he won the election. The shame is the only reason why people voted for Obama in hopes of a new, and better sequel to this but it never happened so people thought no one is going to vote for Obama next time (but they did anyway). They will probably make another shame like this next time. John McCain hates this game, but Obama can PWN him by playing this game.


The levels all take place in Alaska and are very challenging. It was meant to make fun of Sarah Palin because she lives in Alaska (or something like that). The levels however, are very similar to Super Mario World. At the 4th part of every level, Obama must battle a boss. The bosses are:



•Dark Obama (His evil,shadow form)


•Gorthan, Destroyer of Light


•John McCain


Everyone loved it and they even wanted to marry it. The game was given great ratings by the ESRB ISN and other peoples.

Click to play Super Obama World

(Link disclaimer at bottom of website.)

Barack Obama

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Image: Obama, following his Election, but prior to the Old War.

Barack HUSSEIN Obama (also known as Obama) is a respawnable African guy and President of UnAmerica. Upon becoming president, he gave himself a Promotion so as to safeguard his position against George W. Bush. He is presently leading his nation in the ongoing hostilities between UnAmerica and the (semi) powerful Ducky Empire in a conflict know only as the Old War. He was elected to a second term in 2012, angering 56 million Americans. He appears as the player character in Super Obama World. MSNBC loves him just because they hate Republicans.

He was eventually ousted as President by Donald Trump, prompting [DATA EXPUNGED]. As such, he mysteriously vanished in early April in 2018. No one actually knows what happened to him, but most believe it is linked to the Crab Rave and/or Obamium. As of current, he evolved into Obamasnow.


Early Life

Nobody***** knows about this guy's early life 'cause he's a mystery. Nobody sure knows a lot of stuff...


After George W. Bush was seen in Duckopolis, having talks with the evil handpuppet Ducky, the people of UnAmerica kicked him out of office and put Obama in charge instead.

After spending a lot of money on dishes from the Squadala Empire and West Hyrule, Obama vowed to ensure that Ducky is defeated and the (semi) powerful and (very) dangerous Ducky Empire will be destroyed.

"Ducky may threaten us with Snowtomic bombs, but we will not be intimidated."

—Speech given prior to the New Spanish War.

The Old War

While Obama was saying this, Dr. Robotnik invited him to a party in Soviet Russia. However, Obama was too busy giving speeches to attend which prompted Robotnik to declare war on UnAmerica. Obama felt less manly, so he declared war on the (semi) powerful Ducky Empire.

The war was really a series of smaller wars where each of the three nations just happened to be involved, such as the New Spanish War which involved UnAmerica trying to take Spain so they could invade the Ducky Empire or the Canadian Invasion, which dragged Robotnikclause into the conflict.

The Old War is still going, though several of the smaller conflicts have ended. Though Nobody cares and everybody goes on with their normal lives.

He also has a rivalry with Mars******, who kills him every few weeks. He respawns, simply because he's president.


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Image: Portrait of Nobody.

Not to be confused with Anonymous

"Nobody is more deserving of a rest."

—The G-Man

Nobody (nickname No One) is someone who is very mysterious, more deserving of a rest, and no one knows what they look like. They are believed to live Nowhere. Nobody doesn't make much of any notable appearances in the Mario series, yet they appear in most games. Nobody usually appears in the background, yet they are hard to see. Nobody is a lot like Oxygen, as you can't see them, yet they're still there. Nobody has a major appearance in Super Malleo Bros. Nobody also knows certain things you don't know before you do. They also know a secret in Mushroom Black. Nobody also bothered to revive Colonel Sanders, yet the Colonel's still nowhere to be seen. Nobody is also known to like Bacon and ride a warp star. They are also known to be the sibling of Someone and Anybody. Nobody uses Wikinews.

Apparently, in the Pokemon series Nobody actually appears as a person, as they are not catch-able (unlike Micheal Jackson…). Malleo and Weegee were last seen with them. However, there is research going on if Nobody is a lifeform. In order to meet them, play The Stupid One Meets Nobody. Nobody is the most important person on all of UnAnything Wiki (including Chuck Norris, Captain 0, and the Teletubbies).

It is very likely that Squidward Tentacles encountered Nobody while in the Nowhere realm in the episode SB-129, as there were voices saying "Alone". When the King K. Rool Cannon isn't sucking somebody up it's always sucking up nobody.


Nobody is also the person who asked.

But nobody came.

List of people mistaken for Nobody

•John Doe


•Justin Bieber




•Slender Man

•Donald Trump


•Sans Undertale Jr.


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Mars is the red planet of the Solar System, the next door neighbor of Earth, and the home of the evil martians. It is currently the most red planet in the solar system.

Mars was created when rocks started beating each other up and getting stuck. The blood stained the planet red. Mars was mad about that. So, it floated in with a bunch of other planets. Unfortunately, it went right up to Earth. Earth is the most obnoxious planet there is.

Mars is the home of martians, who are evil aliens that do evil stuff. It is also the home of 99 aliens from Krypton. They are Superman's childhood friends. Many Space Invaders live there too.


•Mars is a huge ball of crap.

•Mars also burns.

•SL4SH used to be the leader of Mars.

•Life on Mars don't exist. Wait a minute.... Yes! It does!

•Mars is one of the most polluted planets in the universe.

•Marvin the Martian lives on Mars, because he is a martian.

•Toaster has travelled to Mars one time in his life to retrieve a baby or something. Nobody knows for certain how he got there, but some assume that he tied himself and his friends to a rocket.

Objects related to Obamium


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Vykhinozhulebinium, triunquadium (Tuq), or tri-Plutonium is a chemical element with the symbol Vyz and the atomic number 314. It is named after Vykhino-Zhulebino, district in the Moscow. Like all chemical elements with an atomic number greater than 92, Vykhinozhulebinium has no stable isotopes. The most stable of these, 929Vyz has a half-life of about 443 attoseconds (4,43x10-16 seconds). Isotope 928Vyz played a key part in the forming of Obamium.

Symbol: Vyz

Atomic number: 314




313Tu → 926

313On + 0



This isotope played a key role in the formation of Obamium. The formation went like this:


314Vyz → 926

312Ob + 0

1H + 0

1H → 926

312Ob + 2

1H + 0



This is the second most stable isotope of Vykhinozhulebinium, with a half life of 443 attoseconds (4,43x10-16 seconds).


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Yomamium is a element with atomic number 2144. It has a very stable isotope (Yomamium-3926), the rest are very unstable, and has a density of 2247.622 kg/m3.

Symbol: YMI

Atomic number: 2144

Yomamasoskinny (Yomamium-3923)

This isotope is formed from genetically modified trees, where it falls off.

It has a half life of 𝑥 years, scientists are still trying to find𝑥.

The molecule forms as sticks that are 1 nanometre wide and stretches vertically up to 3 metres.

Its half life is 7 months, it radiates blue light.

Yo mama so American (Yomamium-3924)

This isotope is formed when F A T reacts with Obamium, when it is does so F A T gives Obamium one of its neutrons, creating Yomamasoamerican, which creates a 1$ bill when given any amount of oil

Yomamium-3925 aka FAT

This is created when Yomamium reacts with Bidenium.

Once FAT is formed, it will expand at a rate of 1 foot every second, in all directions, for 1–5 minutes, nothing can make it stop expanding until it has been 1–5 minutes

It has a half life of 5 minutes, it can decay into any element with less protons, during which it will produce a 5-foot sphere of orange nonionizing light.

This an element with atomic number explodes exactly like fireworks, when it is measured with the metric system.

Your actual mom (Yomamium-3926)

This is an unreactive molecule which has a half life of 2.7 million years

It has no dangerous properties, other than being very heavy due to having tons of protons and neutrons

Karen (Yomamium-3927)

This isotope can infect humans, during which the IQ of the host is lowered to -5. Once infected, verbal and occasionally physical aggression can occur.

This isotope makes people increasingly annoyed as they get closer to it, unless the person is infected, then the person will start simping with the genderless isotope

It has a half life of eat hot chip and lie years.


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Bidenium is a element with atomic number 893. It is named after former vice president, and 45/46th and current president of the United States Joe Biden. Like all elements after lead (excluding stableisotopium), Bidenium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 2231Bid.

Symbol: Bid

Atomic number: 893


In 2020, a group of researchers (later known as the Bidenium Research Group), discovered an element that is highly explosive, and deadly. The research facility is located beneath Cock Island, United Kingdom [Site A] and a second research facility in Owo, Niger[Site B]. It was made when a trumpium particle collided with an obamid at exactly 69km/h, which was thought possible . And was named after the (now president), Joe Biden.

The Bidenium Research Group

The Bidenium Research Group or BRG for short is a foundation founded by Dr Joe Mama, Dr. Biggdradonamous Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas, Dr Vinschpinstilstein and Dr Yuri. They specialize in researching and testing Bidenium.

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Image: Dr Joe Mama

Dr. Joseph Mama Jr.(1999 - ) is the founder/head scientist of the foundation.

Dr Vinschpinstilstein

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Image: Dr Vinschpinsilstien's bio.

Dr Vinschpinsilstein(1995 - ) is one of two of the founding members of the foundation that are female. She has the alias "Dr V" due to the unpronounceable name she had. she was born in russia. After an arguement with Dr. Biggdradonamous Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas, she was forced to leave the facility where she specializes in military grade technology. After encountering a crimminal orginization, she was forced to replace Henry Stickmin's spine and turned it to a cyborg. she now sits somewhere in Russia.

Dr Yuri Tarded

Dr Yuri(1999 - 2021) was one of the more "curious" scientists in the organization. She occasionally made jokes like "yuri-tarded??" She was blown up by a Tetrahedron of Doom and a series of prodigymathgamium moscovide liquid bombs in the Hyperdimensionelemental War.


Pure Bidenium (Bid2231)

Bid or Pure Bidenium, is the pure form of Bidenium. This section has been deleted by the Bidenium Research Facility.

Joe Bidome

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Joe Bidome with additional text

2232Bid or Joe Bidome is a form of an element named Bidenium.A typical dome is 1.28m(4.20 feet) tall, and weighs 31kg(69 pounds). It was created when Chungusium reacts to the element, causing an explosion with a force of 69 Minecraft TnT. it has the melting point of 420°C(788°F) because of the high concentration of "funny" in its molecules. Joe Bidome has a Dome like shape with eyes and a mouth, however it is always smiling. Joe Bidome was discovered in Cock Island facility at Feberuary 8, 2020 at 4:20 pm. when Dr krakhkhakkadfjfd accidentally spiled Chungusium onto a nearby piece of bidenium in his lab. fortunately, Dr krakhkhakkadfjfd recovered due to having a Totem Of Undying. At The center of the explosion, what they saw was a creature that was horrifying. When it was discovered, the lab scientists a the Cock Island facility were shocked of what they saw and people were wondering what it could do. However, testing is still pending because people thought it could harm the organization.


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Bideniel on November 8, 2020

2233Bid or Bideniel is a sphere like shape of Bidenium. It is 50 meters tall and weighs just about your mom. It was created when Reddit user u/Tiny_item combined Redditium and S̶̗͈͍̥̥̀́̓̏ẗ̵̙̲̰̇ő̴̲̳͔̻͈̩̤̖̇̒͜ͅp̸̥̮̤̹̥̹̀̿̆̒̈́͌̈́̀̆͑̇̽̒͘î̶̢͖͎̘̹̱̰̜̺̰͆́̓͗̑̿̅͒̌̐̐̓̑̔ú̶̧͔̻͇͑͑͝ḿ̵̨̮̝̽ on November 8 , 2020. At first it may seem like a small ball, but in a few hours it will inflate slowly to a 50 meter ball. The FBI, CSI and the organization Responded to the attack and put u/Tiny_item into custody. Testing hasn't been aproved due to the 50 meter ball having no space to test/contain. the ball now sits above the facility.

Bidemid (Biden pyramid)

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Dr [redacted] mistakenly identified the bidemid as bidenium.

2234Bid or Bidemid is a pyramid shaped form of Bidenium. A typical Bidemid has the height of 1.3m (4ft) and weighs 13.37kg (29.47lbs). it was combined when Obamium Scientist Dr [redacted] combined an Obamid to a Bidenium substance, making the iconic quote: "Finally, Bidenium.". No one knows anything about this product since the Obamium Research Group has closed information about the substance. even though it its Bidenium, it was made in the Obamium Facility and the technically own it. The foundation made tests to recreate the Bidemid but all have proven to fail. the only picture that is public to this day, is the doctor holding Bidemid as shown on the right.

Shakespeare Bidenium (Bid2236)

Did bid 'r shakespeare bidenium is a f'rm of bidenium yond wast nam'd aft'r william shakespeare. t is currently unknown how the f'rm did look since the foundation currently did close all inf'rmation regarding the substance.

Bidenium, is the pure form of Bidenium. This section has been deleted by the Bidenium Research Facility.

P0GGERSIUM (Bid42069)

all thats known is that eating this will make you commit die

Joe Beanden (Bid69420)

This isotope can be eaten. When eaten, it will take you to the B E A N dimension.

It tastes like chicken with obamium spice.


Yum, Bidenium (its not an isotope, it's what someone did)

Floridamaniscomingforyou Gocommitdie, decided to eat a bidemid, he said it tasted like his favorite flavor of bud light!

Florida man is back, and now hes gonna make and eat a bideniel before it expands!

After eating the bideniel, he reported that he was E X P A N D I N G



It is a mixture of Oxygen and Bidenium. If inhaled, it will kill you because it is toxic.

The Debate of 2020(BidTu)

This compound is known to cause extreme anger towards political opinions


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Dinglium is a Negative Element that is unstable. It has the atomic number of -84 and has properties similar to Polonium, though some are the exact opposite of it. It is named after Quandale Dingle. This element is used to make control rods for the making of Harambium.

Symbol: QDH

Atomic number: -84


Dinglium looks like a shiny iridescent and dull grey stone. It can be cut with a professional knife in half to reveal a dark grey inside.


Most isotopes of Dinglium lasts long, the most unstable isotope lasts around 100 days, while some other more stable ones last 117 or less years.


Dinglium in gas form is highly toxic and radioactive, inhaling will lead to cell death and cancer, similar to 210Po.


Dinglium interestingly reacts with a lot of other elements.


When Dinglium makes contact with Obamium, it will create a compound called "Didingyl-Obamium", which has only been recorded to explode when dipped in acid. It has enough power to blow up a building.


When Dinglium makes contact with Maliciousium, it will mix with Maliciousium and will become a gas form even at room temperature. Making contact with the gas of Qdh13ƸȹȜȺʬ (Tridecimdingl-Maliciouside).


In contact with Lilithine, it will form into a different element. Through unknown ways, it turns into Atlctsf024ium when Lilithine is added to Dinglium.


As for the element beside dinglium, when in contact with nerdium, it will most likely not do anything; but on rare occasions it may make the element too unstable, and it will lower all the isotope half-lives down to around 40% of its original half-life.

Elements that decay into Dinglium


Example Image Image: Dinglium as seen in the Plumbingium decay graph.


Symbol: Pmb

Atomic number: -82

Plumbingium is an element with atomic number -82 with symbol Pmb. It is named after plumbing. It happens to be very useful in plumbing. It is the exact opposite of Lead.


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Modernium is an element with atomic number 2201 with symbol Mdr. It is named after Moderna. The half-life for its most stable isotope is 6.28 yoctoseconds.

Symbol: Mdr

Atomic number: 2201


Lim1345 tried to split the Lumpurium atoms with the impossible Stoppium atoms. And it went horribly wrong. It contacted with phosphorus and the phosphorus atoms broke up, which resembles 2201 protons.

Real Life

In real Life, Modernium is a blue-grayish gas, bluish brown when liquefied and blue when frozen.


As a matter of fact, its unstableness makes it very hard to store. It must be stored at a huge hydrogen tank because it doesn't react with it.

Awareness to Obamium

Do not put it with Obamium. It will explode in a matter of time and destroy everything withinin 3000000000000000000000000000000000000 light years.

Decaying Form

Modernium > Turkmenistania > Sibum > Yomamium > Aalborgium > Yoshihidesugum > ???


Not much is known about this element and this is all we know about it

Turkmenistania is an element with the symbol Tmt and the atomic number 2195. It is named after Turkmenistan. Like all elements after lead(excluding anomalies), Turkmenistania has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 8894Tmt. It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.Turkmenistania has a half-life of about 0.002 yttriseconds.


Not much is known about this element either :(


Yet again we know almost nothing aboout this element

Aalborgium is an element with the atomic number 1967. It is named after Aalborgium. Like all elements after lead(excluding anomalies), Aalborgium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 8798Aal. It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.


Symbol: Sug

Atomic number: 1909

Yoshihidesugum is an element with the atomic number 1909. It is named after Yoshihide Suga. Like all elements after lead(excluding anomalies), Yoshihidesugum has no stable isotopes. It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.


Symbol: Lmp

Atomic number: 1600

Lumpurium is an element with the symbol Lmp and the atomic number 1600. It is named after Kuala Lumpur. Like all elements after lead(excluding anomalies), Lumpurium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 4000Lmp. It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.4000Lmp has a half-life of about 42⅙ minutes.


In 2017, Lim1345 was using his own computer when its keyboard started to burst into flames. After the rather small fire, a shocking thing was found. The keyboard turned into a Titanium-like metal which emitted 1600 protons.After that incident, Lim1345 started to do research about that unknown element.After that,Lim1345 found out that it was Unhexnilnilium,A element that its protons look alike as Titanium.It was named Lumpurium, which it was where the incident happened;Kuala Lumpur.

LRG (Lumpurium Research Group)

Upon discovering Lumpurium,Lim1345 and his friends created a new research group which was called LRG , or Lumpurium Research Group, focusing on how did Lumpurium and its relatively close link to Titanium, Obamium and Gallium formed. The LRG group have made some overwhelming discoveries about Lumpurium such as its crystals and its closely related link to Titanium,Obamium and Gallium. On the 1st of September, 2020,Lim1345 experimented with one of the decayed products of Lumpurium and managed to find the crystalline structure of the Lumpurime. 3 months later, another member of the LRG discovered the almost impossible Lumpurifiniti, which was told fake in the world. However, his body was frozen because of Lumpurinfiniti's infinity powers, so Lim1345 had to defreeze him and make a special suit that was completely impossible to harm from Lumpurinfiniti.


There are 22 LRG labs in the world.

Team Members

There are 504 members of LRG, spreaded all across the world. There are 478 users active during the Covid-19 period.



The leader of LRG. Real name is unknown. It is the Fandom user Lim1345.



The co-leader of LRG. Seems to be closely related to Lim1345.

User003:Doctor LMP-1

Real name is unknown. The team calls him LMP-1.


Lim1345's little sister.


Real Name unknown. Cofounder of LRG.

User006:Doctor T

A mad scientist. Likes to discover more radioactive elements. One of the greatest finds are Arabium, Malaysiaum, Inzium and Turkum.


Helps to edit Lumpurium on Fandom.


Comments on recent discoveries.

User014:Radioactived Doctor

Once struck by a pure Lumpurium and became radioactive.

User056:Logan Hiner

The top reporter for the LRG. Used to be a spy of CIA.

User057:Indian Srange

A reporter from the LRG.

User058:Roddy Red

A reporter from the LRG.

User059:Bobby Blue

A reporter from the LRG.

User152:Doctor Hubert

Not very clever, dead by 22-11-2020. Once accused of stealing a Lumpur-Obama.

User153:Doctor Karl

Companion of Doctor Hubert.

User154:Doctor Hobart

He replaced Doctor Hubert after his death.


Controller of User192-217.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.


The top scientist of LRG. Identity unknown.

User297:Guard Planner

Propose plans for User300.

User298:Material Proposer

Proposes every material to create the ultimate machine to defend the facility.

User299:Gateway Mechanic

Helps User300 to create the ultimate machine to defend the facility.

User300:Doctor Guard

The protector. Knows the top ways to defend the facility from intruders.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


The protector. Is User300's henchmen.


Name unknown. May be the one who stole the Lumpubite.

User412:Investigator Tan

Top investor for LRG. He is busy investigating the "Lumpubite Case".

User413:Hack master

Known for hijacking every computer virus.


He helped clean and repair this page. The discoverer of prodigymathgamium, many lumpurium compounds and a scam involving malaysiaum.


User:BSMMedia helped Lim1345 admit that Lumpurium was not made out of one Hydrogen and one Helium atom.


He helped clean up messes with User:LimpBlimp384


He cleans up with User:Delrosev2029.




He went to LRG Lab 8

Brown Lumpurium

The image of the Lumpurium is very brown, because it used to be {\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPmg}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPmg}}}. But when the Prodigymathgamium bond breaks, the colour of the Lumpurium gets orange and it cannot get out, even when the lumpurium decays.


Lumpurium is the most difficult element to receive a scientific isotope due to its quick and uneven radioactive blaze and mass changes.Though it’s half life is 42 minutes, it puzzled scientists for 1.3 million years.Once stabilized and decayed, it can be in its most basic form as a cyan solid capable of conducting high levels of electricity, which in that form is used to create a special type of a megavolt electric conductor that can allow the passage of electrons 99.5% faster than bronze.Inventions that use such are those that need very high energy, such as the megavolt wires,but it only had been used since 2020.The compounds of the element may not be harmful towards humans and animals, but it may break.When other elements collide into Lumpurium compounds,It will form some unique crystals which may form into the mysterious and undiscovered element, lumpurium II, thatdangicebergium, or Lumpurium Diodmtvkerivitlovus, is the only compound to be found in abundance on earth,which is in Gua Rusa or Deer Cave in Malaysia.It may provide negative effects towards human health. The Lumpubite and the Lumpucube are crystal compounds due to the compressure with labuanium,so those crystals are super dangerous.Once heated to be malleable, crystallized, unstable lumpurium can be suprisingly constructed into solid forms for analyzation of its surfaces under a microscope. The most common form for analyzation is a cube, since it conducts less energy for more formal testing. The best conductor is the Lumpuood, due to its point of focus.


In 2021, the LRG discovered the oldest piece of Lumpurium ever decayed. It was dated back to the stone age.

The Stone Age

It was back in the stone age when it was mistaken for stone in Africa. they used to burn it, but most of it exploded, so they stopped using it.

The Bronze Age

It was mixed with Bronze to make an alloy which hardness is 9.9 in the mohs scale.

Ancient Egypt

A chunk of {\displaystyle {\ce {LmpU}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpU}}} was mistaken for trumpium (which was called triuntrium at that time), was brought by King Tutankhamun. It ether exploded or leaked uranium gas, which killed him.

Roman Empire

A coin was made from 99.999% pure lumpurium. But after they knew, it decayed. After that, it vanished until...

World War I and II

It was mostly used for weapons due to its high radioactivity.

Renown to the world

Go to its synthesis to know about this part.

Its Relationship with titanium, obamium and gallium

It has a strong relationship with titanium, obamium and gallium. It is an newly discovered effect which is called thelumpurium effect. This effect can merge one cell of titanium, obamium and gallium into lumpurium. And recent studies show that lumpurium has a few titanium, obamium and gallium cells and because of that it is less radioactive.

Lumpurium compounds

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2}}}


The most common form of lumpurium. Makes up of 66.6% of all Lumpurium compounds. It is used to make compounds of Lumpurium with {\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2}}} in the compounds.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3}}}


This compount is very sturdy. It is >10 on the Mohs scale, and a [[Wikipedia:Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness|Vickers hardness test Vickers hardness]] of around 5000 GPa which makes it the hardest compound in the world. It is used to make compounds of Lumpurium with {\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3}}} in the compounds.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4}}}


This compound is very reactive with oxygen and hydrogen, which makes it very reactive. It can ignite if contacted with your hands. It is used to make compounds of Lumpurium with {\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4}}} in the compounds.

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpC}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpC}}}

Lumpurium Carbide (Lucasium)

Lucasium is not an element. It is a compound which is called Lumpurium Carbide. It can be used in cancer drug, field of medicine and vaccine creating. When the temperature is near 1℃,it becomes gas. When the temperature is -12℃, it becomes a liquid. So, it must be stored at a freezing -25℃ to -75℃.

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpC2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpC2}}}

Lumpurium Dicarbide (Ludium)

Ludium is the name for a compound called Lumpurium Dicarbide. Ludium is used in purifying elements such as obamium, bidenium, trumpium, antimatter and the super rare infinitium. It is very hard to find since almost every time the LRG tried to create this compound, they failed. The only time it emerged was when they accidentally putted a dandelion plant inside the collider, and the plant sucked out one carbon atom, and the collider went KABAM!, and inside there were 6 grams of ludium. New studies found that Calcium, Potassium and Iron can help making ludium, which are in the dandelion's nutrition. It has a half-life of 233e-46 zeptoseconds (0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000233 seconds). The LRG is still researching more about it. There are now 23 grams of it.

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpC3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpC3}}}

Lumpurium Tricarbide (Lutrium)

Lutrium can be synthesized to lighter elements with the atomic number less than 4000. It is very unstable. This compound is very radioactive, so we must handle with care.

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpC4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpC4}}}

Lumpurium Tetracarbide (Luquium)

Luqium is a pink gas. It can be seen under some black carpet. It is used to create mysteriium, but it is very hard. Only one atom of Mysteriium has been created by Luquium.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2C}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2C}}}

Dilumpurium Carbide

It is a reactive chemical that looks like caesium.If contacted to ANYTHING except element storage oil, it will explode. This compound is used to purify FedExium.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2C2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2C2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2C3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2C3}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2C4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2C4}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3C}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3C}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3C2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3C2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3C3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3C3}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3C4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3C4}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C3}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C4}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C5}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4C5}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpO}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpO}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpO2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpO2}}}

Lumpurium Dioxide

It may cause havoc if released into the atmosphere. It can merge into {\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCO2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCO2}}} and cause much more havoc.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2O3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2O3}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3O4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3O4}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4O5}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp4O5}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpF}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpF}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpF2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpF2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpK2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpK2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpK2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpK2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCa}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCa}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCa2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCa2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHg}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHg}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHg2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHg2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpAc}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpAc}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpVc}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpVc}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpVc2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpVc2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpFu3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpFu3}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPrk}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPrk}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPrk2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPrk2}}}

Lumpurium Bisouthgerogium

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpSog2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpSog2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpSlg}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpSlg}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpSlg2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpSlg2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPer}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPer}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPer2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPer2}}}

Malaysiaum Lumpuride

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpMys}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpMys}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHO}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHO}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHO2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHO2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHO3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHO3}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHO4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpHO4}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH2O}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH2O}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH2O2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH2O2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH2O3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH2O3}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH2O4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH2O4}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH3O}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH3O}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH3O2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH3O2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH3O3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH3O3}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH3O4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH3O4}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O3}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O4}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O4}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O5}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH4O5}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH74Bx}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpH74Bx}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCO2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCO2}}}

Lumpurium Carbon Dioxide

When released, it may cause {\displaystyle {\ce {CO2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {CO2}}} poisoning.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2Na4C}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp2Na4C}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpSlgPerPrk}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpSlgPerPrk}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpOb16Rf2CFO4PeNw7HSGdTb}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpOb16Rf2CFO4PeNw7HSGdTb}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3443Ob2Yb4Vc3A2S2Te2Rf2(De5)Wi2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3443Ob2Yb4Vc3A2S2Te2Rf2(De5)Wi2}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp+(CaPeAs8)Th8(Th3Pmg2)AcC-}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp+(CaPeAs8)Th8(Th3Pmg2)AcC-}}}

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpA3B2C3D2E6F4G2H4IJ2KL2M2N2OP2QRS7T2UVW3Y}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpA3B2C3D2E6F4G2H4IJ2KL2M2N2OP2QRS7T2UVW3Y}}}

Lumpurium Lolinide

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpLo84}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpLo84}}}

Lumpurium Lolimide

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpLo2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpLo2}}}

Lumpuric Acid

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCl}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCl}}}


{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp84Ob68}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp84Ob68}}}


{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp8Mb6}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp8Mb6}}}/{\displaystyle {\ce {Mb6Lmp8}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Mb6Lmp8}}}

Lumpurium Prodgymathgamide

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPmg}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPmg}}}


{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp7LBGZZ7}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp7LBGZZ7}}}


Stoppium is an element with atomic number 2770 with symbol Stopp. It is named after stop. The half-life for its most stable isotope is 1 second.

Symbol: Stopp

Atomic number: 2770


Contrary to popular belief, they are not pure Lumpurium. Instead, it is their decay products. It is the second elements which has crystals, after Obamium. The LRG will not disclose their formulas since they are kept top secret.


Raw footage of Lumpurime.

This is the most common Lumpurium decay product. They are formed by the decay of Lumpurium-436 and Francium,which makes it very unstable. It forms a undiscovered decay product of Francium,which is Francium-?? which is the rarest decay in the world. They are more plentiful near Europe,the Deer Cave and Singapore.


Lumpurium crystals are all rare. A Lumpuood is formed with the decay of lumpurium-1 into copper-56.They are plentiful in Europe and Malaysia. It also forms the only stable decay product of lumpurium.


An Lumpucube is formed when Lumpurium-800 decays into labuanium-1173, so it is super radioactive. They are plentiful in Fukuoka and Nagasaki.


Lumpubite are the rarest Lumpurium crystal. They are formed when Lumpurium-1120 decays into labuanium-12, the heaviest lumpurium decay product and the rarest natural labuanium isotope. They are plentiful in Malaysia, which contains the most types of lumpurium crystals which is the reason why the LRG and Lim1345's house was placed here. It instantly teleports when touched by any element (And YOUR hand) in a second (excluding Neutronium), so it is best to stay away from it if possible. It is mostly kept in a caesium bottle.


Lumpu1345 is an Lumpurium crystal with little known about it. It comes from the decay of Lumpurium-1300. It is hidden somewhere in Lim1345's house, and it is said to stabilize the whole world; which may be the reason of gravity.

The only raw Footage of a Lumpu1345.


They are plentiful in Scotland, the Timonocite Empire and Malaysia. They are not dangerous but are extremely light. The reason they are so light is because they come from the decay of lumpurium-1 and helium-2.


This is the second most common Lumpurium decay product. They are formed by the decay of Lumpurium-284 and 2019ium-2019,which makes it very unstable. They are more plentiful near Europe, the Deer Cave and Singapore.


Rare crystal found on planet Lim-1345. Tastes like chicken. (idk why you would taste it though)


Rare crystal found on planet Lim-1345. Named after a lot of new users.


Basically it is just {\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Lmp3}}}.


Looks like a rotten egg. Smells like a dead cat.


A crystal that appears to be a pile of rubbish. Has a hole that leads to nowhere. If you go in it (don't try this), you will be time travelled to the year 6543 where Earth is destroyed by an asteroid and you are tied up so you can't run and you'll die.


Forms when lumpurium-1 fails to decay into copper-56.Its properties are so unstable that no data has been found. It most likely don't even exist for a mere second.

Mobiusstrip Lumpurium

It forms when Lumpurium-1 decays into copper-59 or when you freeze lumpurium-1600. It is named after the Mobius Strip, which its shape is like. You can find it naturally and easily, because it has a half life of 91000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years, so it formed within the Big bang, which scientists at the LRG predicts. You can form your own Mobiusstrip Lumpurium by freezing Lumpurium-1600 within -45℃ to -169℃. You can destroy it by using alkali metals like lithium, lodium, potassium and other more. It will destroy it until it decays into normal copper.


Purlump is brilliant, sparkly, and rare. It is yellow and sometimes purple. You can use it to harness the power of the sun and it can pinpoint that power anywhere you want for ultimate destruction. It was first found on Mars.


Forms when Lumpurium-1600 decays rapidly into Tokyonium-2051. It was first found in one of the Tokyo Olympic stadium. It might be the reason why the 2020 Olympics was posponed.


Doctor Hubert's BIG mistake

After discovering Lumpur-Obama, he was fascinated. At night, he snuck in and stole one Lumpur-Obama. The next day, the group told him to try to eat a Lumpur-Obama. He said it tasted like chicken. After that, he went incautious. After he woke up, he was crushed to death immediately. Scientists found his body floating near Mars. It could be the signal for life in Mars. Or that is there is life on Mars that might not like people.

Reason of death of Doctor Hubert

Crushed by an unknown thing.

Miscalculation of its most stable isotope, 4000Lmp

As we know, BSMMedia calculated its half-life, which is 42 minutes. But recent studies show that it may have a 42⅙ minute and a 42⅐ minute half-life, because of the Earth's rotation.

Here's a precise chart:

Half-life for 4000-Lmp

Months | Half-Life (minutes)

January-April | 42⅙

April-August | 42⅐

August-January | 42

December 25 | 43

Table source:Lim1345 and LRG members.

As that result says, it is the first element to have a seasonal half-life. And the Christmas half-life? That's the Christmas half-life effect.

Decay chain of 4000Lmp

α=Alpha Decay

β=Beta deca n=neutron emission

+n=neutron capture

p=proton emission

+p=proton capture


↗αSwanium-3944 → +2pLumpurium-3944 → +56n → Lumpurium-4000 ↙+3p, +24n

↘β Ayodhyum-3999 → bHeatwavium-4022 → bCutbij-4024

The Badass Prank of Lumpubite, 2/1/2021

The worst Lumpurium prank happened on February 1, 2021; which we know. It was a faithful day when a teen which was about years old snuck into the LRG's research facility and stole a Lumpubite. As we know, after you touch any part of an Lumpubite, it will teleport. After the teen touched it, it immediately teleported away, out of the facility. Then, the members tried to locate the Lumpubite. But they didn't know where it was it until some guy in London dialed the LRG and reported that they found some alien-like substance. The CIA came and grabbed that Lumpubite and it exploded, killing everybody within 1 km. People in 5 km away started to feel strange because they had some Favoritethingsium on them.


It mostly doesn't need to be disposed, because it has a lot of uses. Its only disposal is when the copper decays into {\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCu}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpCu}}}, so you need to throw away it because it may lead to power shortages. You need to dispose of it until it decays away. Do not throw it into the trashcan as it will decay into Trashcanium and explode instantly. A rather funny way to dispose of it is to send a spaceship to launch it to Jupiter, which will decay into germanium by the help of hydrogen and helium particles. Do not try this because it formed the Great Red Spot. If we did this on Earth, it would become the next Jupiter. It is also known to cause solar flares and polar changes.

Can you buy Lumpurium?

You can buy Lumpurium. It needs a special coupon (called the Lmp coupon) to buy it. A example of a Lmp coupon is shown below.

Example Image

In popular culture it has caught a lot of attention. Some factories like to illegally use Lumpurium, so there's a team called SULIT or the Stop Using Lumpurium Illegally Team which can arrest illegal Lumpurium users. If caught, you'll be sentenced to jail for 5 years

Not to be confused with Malaysium, Malaysum, Malaysianium, Malaysiam, Malaysiauium and Malayum



How to make a time machine

Step 1: Get a flux capacitor

Step 2: Get a DeLorian

Step 3: Do inventing stuff

Step 4: Do wiring stuff

Step 5: Get plutonium to power the flux capacitor

Step 6: Realise thats not a good idea and do repeat steps 3 and 4 and add a 'Fusion Home Energy Reactor'

Step 7: Fuel the 'Fusion Home Energy Reactor' using food scraps.

You have now made a Time Machine.


I am not responsible for any injury, death or being lost or stuck in time.

In the event that happens it is all your fault :)



Example Image

Symbol: Mys

Atomic number: 3000

States of matter

Boiling point: 998877398492℃

Atomic properties

Atomic mass: 7000

Electronic properties

Oxidation states: 4

Bulk properties

Density: 444.

Colour: Grey, like Terbium.

Abundance in universe


0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0001 mole of atoms in space, but most of them decay into Lumpurium.

Malaysiaum is an element with atomic number 3000 with symbol Mys. It is named after the country where Lim1345 lives, Malaysia.


Mys-7000 Has a half-live of 56 hours, which makes it the most stable isotope of Malaysiaum.

Mys-2000 Has a half-live of 4 zeptoseconds, which makes it the most radioactive isotope of Malaysiaum.

Mys-1234 Has a special ability to destroy Covid-19. This makes it the most useful isotope of Malaysiaum


MysLmp (Malaysiaum Lumpuride)

Malaysiaum Lumpuride is an unbelievable compound because Malaysiaum can decay into Lumpurium, so how does the atom bond? easy. With the help with the Malaysium Crystal. It is a 10kg diamond made out of pure Malaysium. It does not decay, which is magic. But how do you bond them? Easy. Chip a small piece of the Malaysium crystal. Find Actinium and dip a small piece of the crystal. It should be decayed into a gooey substance, which you paint it onto Malaysiaum and Lumpurium. After that, the both elements will start to de-oxide (Which is kindda cool.) After that, Lumpurium will start to create a supermagnetic field, which will suck the Malaysiaum into Lumpurium, at that time, the atoms re travelling at rocket speed, which will cost a small explosion. After that, the Malaysiaum atoms will start to stick to the Lumpurium atoms, becoming Malaysiaum Lumpuride. The magic of {\displaystyle {\ce {MysLmp}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {MysLmp}}} is that, it won't oxide.

So, it makes a great change to replace Stainless Steel, because this thing is basically lighter that titanium.

How did the bronze colour came?

As we can see, Lumpurium is a dull, greyish brown metal. The atoms shot by Malaysiaum goes into an almost-burning process which makes its colour looks like Bronze.


The only way to make this element is through the Malaysium Crystal. Any other methods will lead to the formation of Prodigymathgamium-7000.

The Malaysiaum scam

Because 7000Pmg looks a lot like malaysiaum, it has been used in an ongoing scam. Here is the story of how it was uncovered:

Some members of the Prodigymathgamium Research Group were inspecting some malaysiaum when they found a lot of peeko around the Malaysiaum. They turned the peeko back into people, and they found out that all the Malaysiaum was actually 7000Pmg. 98.2% of all the Malaysiaum in the world is actually 7000Pmg.

The aftermath of this scam has left 91.4 percent of the pure malaysiaum that existed in 2020 to either be misplaced, been integrated into fake malaysiaum, or has been incinerated.

The LRG decided to inspect the few grams of the malaysiaum that they had, and what it came out was not very good. Almost 75% of the malaysiaum was {\displaystyle {\ce {Tb2O3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Tb2O3}}}, and 20% of the malaysiaum was the isotope 7000Pmg. Less than 4% was lanthanum, boron and livermorium. The remaining 0.1% was regular prodigymathgamium. The last was pure malaysiaum (but only a few atoms).

Because of this, the Prodigymathgamium Research Group (PRG) and the LRG suspect that the element's known samples below are actually {\displaystyle {\ce {Tb2O3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Tb2O3}}} (but not anymore).

The second last element

It was thought to be the second last element (after Dropium) due to its stability and unstability. This was later disproven by a physics law that allowed elements to exist past the stability limit.


Susium is an element with an unknown atomic number, referred to using the symbol "ඞ"

Atomic number: ඞ


Named after: Sus

Systematic name: Amongiiamongis

Systematic Symbol: AMN

Alternative names: Amongium, Imposterium

Name in Saurian: Jijaim

Location on the Periodic table

Group: -0i

Period: -2


Among us family

Series: N/A

Cent: N/A

Element to the left of Susium: N/A

States of matter

Melting point: ඞ C (ඞ F)

Boiling point: ඞ degrees C (ඞ degrees F)

Fusing Temperature: ඞx10 C

Atomic properties

Atomic mass: ඞ g

Nuclear properties

Nuclear radius

ඞθ neutrons, ඞ protons, 1 electron

Half-life: 153.345313513... seconds

Bulk properties


Any, most commonly red

Ranking on the Mohs hardness scale: 5.8

Discovery and Info

Susium was (re)discovered in 2019 (canon date, not the official one.) by the MEC (Meme Extraction Corp.) Supposedly it has been created in Hamburg Labs via Nomonium-12 outbreak. It has been emitting from there ever since and can cut off all connection to all electronics near it.. Susium is very common near the British island territory Bermuda, more accurately the Bermuda Triangle. This is the main reason why airplanes and boats have gone missing in this area.


Susium's creation process is an odd one. There are multiple ways of forming Susium. Any electronic that has run the game Among Us for over 29.4 days will burst and release the element, which is one way of forming it. Another way is adding Nomonium and Sulfur together to make Mongus Amalgamates. These Mongus Amalgamates can then be crushed down into Sus Powder. Sus Powder is known for it's brainwashing properties when consumed. If you put them in a mold above lava, the Sus Crystals will be turned into Susium. The third way it can form naturally is if Sodium is exposed to temperatures at exactly 26 C underwater. There are more advanced ways to form Susium, however these are the easiest ways.

Sus Powder

Sus Powder is a red powder that cannot be found naturally in the wild. It can only be formed by crushing down Mongus Amalgamates. Sus Powder can cause 1st degree burns to the skin, and can cause effects similar to Nomonium's.

Mongus Amalgams

Mongus Amalgams (Moamals) are the result when you combine Nomonium and Sulfur. These amalgams look like tall hollow tubes. It is highly explosive, and can give 1st degree burns. It can also be crushed into Sus Powder. (See Above)

Sister Elements

Susium's sister elements usually have the same symbol as it's self. An example of that is Amongusium, This sister element can be formed by putting Susium in a vacuum chamber for 2.5 days. There are more examples of this, and they are in the list below.


Main Isotopes

Susium-0 atom

Susium-ඞ0 is one of the most obscure isotope of itself. It can move through any material, and is one of the Susium isotope anomalies.

Susium-ඞ1 is the first isotope of Susium to be discovered, and one of the most basic one. It does not have any anomalous properties.

Susium-ඞ2 can disable all electronics in a 0.2 mile radius. It is poisonous on touch, how ever it may turn you into an imposter-like shape.

Susium-ඞ3 is the second most stable isotope, and is the most lethal of all. It can make you think everyone is sus, thus, making you have trust issues.

Susium-ඞ4 is the most stable isotope, and is common in most Susium crystals. It is the least dangerous of all of them. It is common in many common objects, like trash cans, and fire alarms. When broken, it will leak small amounts of Nomonium-12, a crucial element in Susium's creation.

Susium-ඞ5 is the most dangerous of all the elements, and will turn everything it touches into Susium, and is highly explosive if combined with Redsusium. All other knowledge of this isotope has been lost or redacted.

Susium-ඞ6 was the only Susium isotope that was found in humans naturally (until 2019). People with high amounts of this isotope inside of them will turn into a crewmate-like creature, and can not recover physically or mentally.

Susium-ඞ7 does literally nothing.

Secondary Isotopes

Susium-ඞ129 can make somebody think that everything is Among Us, soon they will start replacing their current vocabulary with words such as "sus" and "imposter", and be able to fit in small spaces (especially vents). Sometimes, they will start going crazy and kill people, and refer to everything as "tasks". They will start to become shaped like an crewmate-like figure and start losing their arms. They will have to wear special suits to prevent this unknown disease from spreading. This disease is called Imposteritis.

Susium-ඞ192 can make Amongusium if placed near carbon in Nomonium chloride. If the chemical reaction fails, it can make rifts through time that last for 3 zeptoseconds. When these 3 zeptoseconds are over, it will explode and pull everything in it in it's singularity. 1 minute later, and it will explode and leave a Nomonium ball the size of a marble.


Ancient Egypt

Susium's history stretches all the way to the time of Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians worshiped a god named Medjed, looking like a pillar with legs. However, this was a man by the name of Medier Jediti, who was under the influence of Susium-ඞ6, thus making him look like this. He also had a small bit of Susium-5 inside of him, thus giving him anomalous powers.

Medjed, the Egyptian god.

British Empire (American Revolutionary War)

When The British Empire attacked Ottoman Egypt, they tried to get all knowledge of Egypt they could. They stumbled on large amounts of Susium-ඞ6, and found out its anomalous properties. They tested it on cows, however, in the middle of their research, The United States revolted, and the Brittish had to do all they could to keep the land. They used Susium-ඞ6 to make horrifying creatures, known as impostors, one of them breaking loose from Canada and going to the US, and reproducing at an unknown date. 3 Americans stumbled apon the creature, and only 1 came alive. He named the creature Bigfoot, creating one of the most known 'myths' in American history.

United States (WW2)

2 months before N. Germany was defeated, The US started to work on a bomb similar to atomic bombs that were created later. They got a load of Susium-ඞ5 and put it in a bombshell. It was so destructive, that it (REDACTED) and killed (REDACTED) civilians at the island of American Samoa. The US were planning to use it on Germany if something goes wrong as a 'backdoor exit.' However, the bomb factory exploded and contaminated the whole state of Alaska (Horseshoe Incident). They threw out all other knowledge of the bomb and started working on a new bomb, the atomic bomb.

Soviet Union

The Soviets decided to keep an eye out for any country that was growing significantly. This includes the United States, who was researching about Susium Bombs at the time. The Soviets didn't want to get defeated by the US, so they started their own Susium Bomb campaign, more heavily secured then the United States. They realized that Susium could be used for destroying an entire country, so they planned for the mass production of the bomb. However, just before the plan went through, the Horseshoe Incident occurred, causing the Soviets to cancel the plan and only use 2% of Susium in their bombs. However, the government made exceptions to council-approved projects. The first and only example of this is the Tsar Bomba, which contained a whopping 30% of Susium, plus a but of Nomonium reactors.

The Great Mistake

Susium was thought to be a complex element, which was an absurd claim, judging that it had the same structure as a normal element, but remember, Susium had mindwarping abilities, which is thought to be the main cause why this was thought. When Anti-Susium Helmets were invented (helmets that neutralized the effects of Susium), scientists quickly took notice of this, and looked for a category to put it in. They later claimed it "uncatagorized" as it was highly debated where it should go. To this day, nobody has even attempted to recategorize it, as it may lead to permanent brain damage just by thinking about it.

Susium's Economic Influence


Susium's value is pretty one sided when it changes. Like in January 2020, when the price when from 3$ USD per milligram to 2138 USD$ per milligram (2138000$ USD per gram). After that, it dropped to 4$ USD again. These sudden price changes are called sell spikes, and happen because of a sudden drop or influx the stock of Susium, due to it's fluxuating demand and rarity. The current price of Susium is 115$ USD per milligram.

Susium Investing

Map of countries banned Susium mining

Susium has been a big influence in people across the word, as you can turn $4000 into $2138000, or $2000 to $1392000. This has been banned in 22 countries, including Denmark, Norway, and South Korea.


Sussine Imposterum [ඞ2IM3]

Sussine Imposterum, SIMP for short, is created by putting Imposterium and Sussium in a compact, superheated container. It can only be stable in it's liquid form, as for when it solidifies, it will turn into Sussium Gas, and expell a liquid Imposterium excrete. SIMP is very acidic, and can burn through very though metals, it's only flaw being it freezes and destabilizes in room temperature. If this reacts with Lithium Sulfide, the compound will explode dangerously, burning everything in a median proximity, and release a worringly large quantity of Sussium-5 gas into the air, combusting any Redsusium samples in it's proximity.

Liquid Temp: over 2034°F

Solid Temp: under 2033°F

Gas Temp: N/A

Half Life: 92 years

Sussine Nitrate [ඞNO2]

Sussine Nitrate is a non-toxic, non-radiant powder, able to increase half-lives of liquids, the only downside being that it is very reactive, and can dissolve in said liquid, trapping the remaining nitrogen and oxygen in the mixture. When applied to heat or cold, it will never cool or warm based on the room temperature unless induced to extreme heat or freezing depending on it's current tempurature.

Liquid Temp: over 1299°F

Solid Temp: under 1299°F

Gas Temp: N/A

Half Life: 112 years

Sulithine [ඞ2SI3]

Sulithine is a very hard and heat resistant metal that cannot tarnish in air, and can withstand extreme pressure and force, being one of the strongest metals known to man so far, with a silverish appearence.

Liquid Temp: 29441°F to 38009°F

Solid Temp: under -89004°F

Gas Temp: over 38010°F

Half Life: 1261 years

Susiums sister elements


Amongusium an element with atomic nymber 2545 and with an atomic symbolof AUm. It is named after the 2018 indie party game Among Us. It is pronounced: Among-Us-ee-um. Its atomic mass is 6038.


Amongusium has 0 stable isotopes but its most stable one is 6038AUm.

6038AUm lasts 14 years and when decayed, It breaks into boron, zirconium, brexitium, leapyearium and vibranium.


Amongusium was first found in a 10,000 pound stack of irradiated gold. It was originally named Goldium in 2016. In 2019 though, they discovered no amount of gold was in it and was changed to Amongusium in December 2019, after a group of scientists studying the element went insane from looking at a bin.

Atomic Properties

Sound goes 1.0065 times faster (345.2295 mph) in it.

It has 2545 protons and 3493 Neutrons.

Discovered on: Friday, September 16, 2016 at 5:31:27 pm

Decay Products: B, Zr, Bx, Vi, Lea.

It is in the O-Block with JakeBerry183ium above, E11ium to the left and Monroeium is to the right.


Redsusium is an element with atomic number 2161 with symbol Sus. It is named after red being sus. The half-life for its most stable isotope, 2161Sus, is stable.

The rest have half-lives between 10000 and 10000000 years, and decay red harmless light, however 2222Sus has a half life of 4 seconds, and also emits harmless red light.

Symbol: Sus

Atomic number: 2161

Different isotopes

REEEEEEEEEEEEE (Redsusium-2161)

This isotope makes 9 year olds act toxic. It also makes you eat a full sleeve of Oreos and then throw up on your mother's bed shortly after.

DiscordMomentium (Redsusium-2162)

This isotope triggers brain activity that makes a person say "OMG GUYS ITS RED IM ON A DISCOERD COLLL OMHGGGGGG".

Code QQQQQQ (Redsusium-2163)

this is named after the letter q being so common in among us codes, it has a half life of 12345 years

I (redsusium-2164)

this makes kids use overused names in among us, such as "i"

AMONG US 69 PLAYERS OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG NOT CLICKBAIT WOW NOOB VS PRO VS GOD AMONG US 78954789475895748947895479857895475 IQ PLAYS FGTEEV PIGGY TRENDY 3 AM CHALLENGE 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (aka Clickbaitium) (redsusium-2165)

this is infused in phones to attract kids to clickbait youtubers, so they make money

Beanite (redsusium-2166)

It is named after the among us bean players, and is a red crystal with a half life of 123456 years, and is used to decorate stuff.


It has a half-life of 4 seconds.


Amogusium or Amogium has a symbol of Ags and an atomic number of AAE101. It is named after the Amogus meme.

More elements


(systematic name quadtrinilium (Qtn) is the chemical element with the symbol Mas and atomic number 430. It is the 13p5 coordinate, or the Malaysium family. This an element with atomic number is named after Malaysia, a Southeast Asean country. It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory. Malaysium's isotopes unstable. The most stable, 1486Mas half-life is 47 seconds, long for a 12 period element. Under normal conditions, Malaysium is a silvery solid. But uder a lot of presure and Lumpurium contamination, it may form the legendary Malaysiaum crystal.

Symbol: Mas

Atomic number: 430


Symbol: Mau

Atomic number: 2588

Malayum is a element with atomic number 2588 with symbol Mau. It is named after Malaya. The half-life for its most stable isotope is 5 years.


Symbol: Mnu

Atomic number: 4201


Symbol: Ki

Atomic number: 551

Kamparium is the element with the atomic number 551 and the symbol Ki. It is named after Kampar.


Symbol: Spm

Spam Warning!

Atomic number: 88z

Spamium is spam spam burgers a spam element that spams your head has the symbol Spm and the atomic number Spam88z. It is a gaseous element, and when solid is very easy to melt. Spam Element spammers collectors who want to spam a lot on their computer keep Spamium in a box made from Lumpurium and Nickel alloys that spammers researchers found that that compound could spam make Lumpurium non-radioactive. It was once thought that it was a stable element but is radioactive. But now we know that it has a extremely long half life of 389204 years.


Spamium is a spamming gas white gas, almost exploding invisible unless seen at -spam 444S°C; which make them very easy to spam hard to detect with SpamAmericium smoke detectors. When it's a spam version solid, it is also an almost-spammed invisible white spam solid that reflects light into a spammed mind-spamming bending spams degree that spammistsscientist still can't spam find out the spammers phenomenon. The SPAMLRG named the effect the Spammer's Effect Lightbend Effect. This element is also an Spammide Acidic element.

Spamming Naming

Spamium is a burger spamming useless information named after those Spam burgers that even Donald Trump hates it the Spam, a useless message. It is closely spammed related to Obamium, Trumpium, Malaysiaum and Lumpurium because they are also spammed too much.

Can it really spam exist

Due to lack of internet spammers materials and limited spam limits resource, respam research, and beef time, it is thought to spam not exist. But a few spams yoctograms of spams this element has been made due to spamming too much on the computer this.


• It is as biased with spam lethal as Spamide Cyanide


Symbol: Lbn

Atomic number: 1703

Labuanium is an element with atomic number 1703 with symbol Lbn. It is named after Labuan. The half-life for its most stable isotope is π yoctoseconds.


Example Image

Symbol: Butter

Atomic number: 1104

SCP-6000-B, also and more widely refferred to as radiobutter, radioactive butter or just butter or butterium, is the element with an atomic number of 1104. It is very unstable as its most common and most stable isotope, Butter-2210, has a half-life of about 7x10-31seconds. It was discovered by MrKathooloo on 10th April, 2020 and is named after Butter, the almighty substance granted to us by beings beyond our comprehension. It was made by the SCP Foundation, which according to WIkipedia, is fake, but is actually real due to its website. It looks like butter.

Alternative names

Due to this number's relationship to the number 3, the element also has the alternative name of 3ium (like Juclandium and 6ium), as well as its systematic name and symbol, Ununnilquadium (Uunq).


Item #: SCP-6000-B

Object Class: Thaumiel

Containment: SCP-6000-B is to be put in a box made of [DATA EXPUNGED] where it will be flown into the Sun on [DATA MISSING]

Description: SCP-6000-B is an element nicknamed "butter" after the dairy product. It is extremely unstable. It can infect anything through any medium around the time of late October and mid-November. Its neighbours appear to be harmless. It takes on the look of butter, but the main difference is its melting point. SCP-6000-B's melting point is 3333333333333°C while butter's is between 32 °C and 35 °C.


Planet Lim-1345 is a planet that looks like Lim1345. It is known for its abundance for Lumpurium and Spamium crystals. Scientists had tried to go there, but they all failed, except for one scientist who became boss of LRG. He used some 1589Lmp, which can (almost) resist anything. They eventually found Lumpurium crystals, and they also discovered 2 new elements:Canadium and most importantly; Spamium. They also found traces of water under the surface, so they theorize that there is life unter the planet.

The Golden Line

The golden line is a canyon strip made entirely out of Gold, which stretches about and formed about 200.000.000 years ago. There is not much known about it, but as it slowly ages, it will eventually form Gold Lumpuride({\displaystyle {\ce {AuLmp3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {AuLmp3}}}). If all the gold was mined to earth, it cann cower the earth with a 3km-thick layer of pure gold. Mining companies have tried to mine the gold, but they all failed.

Inner core

The inner core of CJH28927 is divided into 9 layers. The contents are shown below.

Red sandstone layer

Metallic Lumpurium core

The Golden Line

Core consisting of Various Elements.

Ocean that may have life

Soil, Copper and Iron Rust core

Melted Nickel, Cobalt and Chromium


Newtonium Liquid and Spamium Gas

CJH28927 element research group

CJH28927 is found to have lots of elements. Here are some elements they discovered there.






Symbol: Trs

Atomic number: 819

Trashcania (also called the Trash Element) is an element with the atomic number 819. It is named after the American word for a waste container, Trashcan, as this element has an unpleasant odour, similar to Sulphur/Sulfur. Its odor is so unpleasant that inhaling it from as many as 5 kilometres(about 3 miles) away is fatal. Elements like trashcania appear every 803‬ elements on the periodic table, and their smelliness doubles. Element 1622 is the next element like this, and it has the symbol Bin and the name Binium. Like all elements after lead(excluding stableisotopium), Trashcania has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 2047Trs.


Favoritethingsium is the element with atomic number 1585 and symbol Ft. It is named after the show Favorite Thing.


Symbol: Sar

Atomic number: 617

Sarawakium(Sar/Hus) is an element with atomic number 617. It is named after Sarawak. Sarawakium's properties are similar to Nitrogen.


Symbol: Sa

Atomic number: 266

Samoaium is the chemical element with the symbol Sa and atomic number 266. Fandom user BiRDiE15 had recently discovered in 2019. It is named after the country Samoa. Samoaium has no stable isotopes. The most stable of these Sa-796 has a half-life of about 40 zeptoseconds.


Symbol: Abe

Atomic number: 1778

Abium is an element with the atomic number 1778. It is named after Shinzo Abe, Japanese prime minister from 2006 to 2007 and from 2012 to 2020. Like all elements after lead(excluding anomalies), Abium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is Abe4445 It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.


Symbol: Gnmg

Atomic number: 1777

Gnanmanguium is an element with atomic number 1777 with symbol Gnmg. The half-life for its most stable isotope is 4545.8365164854476 years.


Symbol: Bct

Atomic number: 1680

Blockcolourtemplatium is an element with the atomic number 1680. It is named after Block colo(u)r templates. Like all elements after lead(excluding anomalies), Blockcolourtemplatium has no stable isotopes. It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.


Atomic number: 1388

Obamumbforbidefandomiumia is an element with atomic number 1388, it is named after the most popular elements on this wiki: Obamium, Mumbaia, The Forbidden Element and Fandomium.


its symbol is 0=+-×÷-o-

its atomic number is 1389


Symbol: Ygslva

Atomic number: 1387

Yugoslavia is an element with atomic number 1387.


Symbol: Fan

Atomic number: 662

Fandomium is an element with atomic number 662. It is named after Fandomium, Fan-Made Elements Wiki.


Fandomium, at its atomic number 662, is sometimes used to create element 718, which is called Chameleum and element 1300, which is named MediaWikium.


Atomic number: 1679

Symbol: Ivsar

Atomic mass: (idk tbh it requires math to work out and im too lazy.)

It named after Ivysaur, a Pokémon.


Birthdaypartium is an element with atomic number 1484. It is named after a Birthday Party.


Northcarolinium is the chemical element with symbol Ncl and atomic number 511. This element named after US State North Carolina.

Where is it found?

This element is highly unstable, so it is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.


Northcarolinium's isotopes very unstable. The most stable, 1839Ncl half-life is 69 picoseconds. Here are pictures for examples of Northcarolinium.


Symbol: Jsv

Atomic number: 1767

Duvalium is an element with the atomic number 1767. It is named after Duval County. Like all elements after lead(excluding anomalies), Duvalium has no stable isotopes. It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.


Symbol: Fex

Atomic number: 1700

FedExium is an element with the atomic number 1700. It is named after FedEx. Like all elements after lead(excluding anomalies), FedExium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 4249Fex. It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.


Symbol: Moni

Atomic number: 1766

The element with the atomic number 1766 and the symbol Moni. Named after Money.


Element 1473. Named after DeepL translator which BSM used to translate {{stub}} into Russian.


Symbol: CHM

Atomic number: 718

Chameleum is the chemical element with symbol Chm and atomic number 718. It is named after the Chamaeleon, a southern constellation. Anyways, like all elements with atomic numbers higher than 82, it has no stable isotopes. But its most stable isotope is 2038Chm.


Symbol: Bgr

Atomic number: 680

Bulgarium is the 680th element on the periodic table.


Symbol: Mdw

Atomic number: 1300

MediaWikium is an element with the atomic number 1300. It is named after MediaWiki, the software that Wikipedia and FANDOM run on. Like all elements after lead(excluding anomalies), MediaWikium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 3249Mdw. It is not found in nature and it can only be created inside a laboratory.


Symbol: Mb

Atomic number: 831


In American and British English, this element is called Bombayium. In all other forms of English, this element is called Mumbaia, but the Canadian/Indian name is the official name endorsed by the RSRA Chemistry branch (RCB).


Mumbaia was discovered independently in the Timonoucite Empire (see also: TimonouciteEmpirium), in the small village and capital of Freaneu by the Royal Scientific Research Association (RSRA)'s RCB (RSRA Chemistry Branch) and the SEnteral Excitement Space Administration (SESA). It was made by putting Tennessine (element 117) together seven times and mixing with Di-Einstia.

The prominent FANDOM user Eshaan011 was one of the members, and he was the employee of both spaces. (actually the boss and the emperor) The same person discovered Stadium, Nationalaeronauticsandspaceadministrationesson, Xium, Einstia, Di-Einstia, the true form of Infinitium, many other elements during his lifetime.

Obamium Research Facility

Soon, the Obamium research facility heard about the discovery. They flocked to downstate New York, discovering Gold Mumbide ores. Several "Mugould" rushes have happened throughout Maharashtra, Gujarat, Sindh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, New York, New Jersey and Maryland. It is unknown why some were found in India, and others were found in America, and nowhere else. As per price, every microgram is worth 1 Naahse Timonocitian Naahse ($4000 US$; $900 GB£). At this rate, just one gram equals E10,0000,0000! (GB£90,00,00,000; US$4,00,00,00,000) Anyway, the Obamium Research Facility and the RSRA got incredibly rich. This caused the ORF to discover the Obamasword and the RSRA the Mumbaiakey.

Time Travel & Teleportation

When Mumbaia was discovered, it was shown with the secret invention of the space-time-magnifying-glass that certain isotopes of Mumbaia (most effectively, 9543Mb) bend the fabric of space-time, so much it warps a hole into the fabric which comes out of the other side. In other words, the 9543Mb is a black hole and the other side (made of 4867Mb) is a white hole. The larger the hole, the farther you are teleported and travel through time. Mumbaia Doodo Obamide (MbObBasketball) allows travelling into the future. The wormhole formed allows people to travel, but according to Eshaan011, the lord of the universe, the white hole side of 4867Mb quickly collapses into a black hole due to rules of the universe, and it automatically breaks the wormhole, as Einstein-Rosen bridges like this one must collapse; matter cannot be created or destroyed. The two sides' Mumbaia isotopes will be sucked into the black hole, along with everything near the event horizon around it, never to be seen again.

If you see 4867Mb lying around, one must move at least 1039 square metres away from the area or it will end you.

Nutrition with Mumbaia

Along with Shrekium, Mumbaia is one of only two radioactive elements that are edible. You can only eat 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 femtograms per day to be healthy, any more or less can kill you. However, we naturally get a seventh of this in every glass of water you drink, so do not worry, do not consult your local doctor (unless you have coronavirus), just drink seven glasses of water a day and you will be alright!

Mumbaia Franochloro-Trioxide (MbFClO3)

Strange feelings

Certain Mumbaia isotopes may cause strange feelings to a person just by them looking at it.

Common Amazement with seeing 2777Mb

If a person sees the isotope 2777Mb, they get the feeling of pure amazement. This also blinds the person, because of the extreme shininess.

Common Suicide Thoughts with seeing 2402Mb

If a person smells the pleasant smell of the 2402Mb isotope, suicide attempt thoughts often clog their brain.


Just like Obamium, Jesum and The Forbidden Element, Mumbaia has a variety of crystal forms.

The King's Diamond

Mumbaia commonly appears in a diamond form. It is shaped similarly to a pure carbon diamond, and measures 14.3 on the Moh's Scale. These diamonds were discovered by FANDOM User Eshaan011 when he found a jewel in his basement.

Mumbai's Amazing Cube

This is perhaps the rarest crystal. It is thought to make black holes.


This prism comes in three forms: pental, nonal and unal.

1. Nonal

The nonal Mumbaiaprism is the shape of a heptagonal prism. A heptagon is a polygon with seven sides and corners. It has nine faces.

2. Pental

Perhaps more common than the Nonal crystal, this one takes the shape of a triangular prism. It has five faces.

3. Unal

The unal crystal naturally forms very flat, and is on average 9880x stronger than graphene, which itself is 350x stronger than steel. The unal crystal is only between one and six atoms thick, and atom-size holes of carbon or lithium can further reinforce the already extremely strong unal crystal.


This is the only 4D version. The Mumbaiaract, also known as The Hypermurt in Indian and Canadian English, is a 4-dimensional cube containing of 2.4998 hypercubic inches or 6.349492 hypercubic centimetres of Mumbanewtonisulfricseptanxidehydridonofeynmanide Francium-Tenniside (Mb1Nt71 S3O7H159Fy99Fr999Ts11). Only the outer shell made of the material is 3D, and it has a tendency to stress too much and explode. This shell, when exposed to the vacuum in 4D, explodes back into 3D and up into 5D. At the end, a small nonal crystal of pure Mumbaia is formed, and it is so shiny that people can be permanently blinded after just 3 seconds of exposure, and temporarily blinded for 100 years after just 0.04 milliseconds.


The mumbaimid is thought to exist near black holes. TriMumbaia-Tetrashrekium-Diobagold Hypersulfate (Mb3Shrek4Ob2Au12SO7) is thought to be the material that makes up the entire black hole. Its diameter is 24,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000% smaller than the smallest hydrogen atoms that have been found. The mumbaimid emits long waves, radio waves, x-rays, gamma rays, h-alpha (red light), ultraviolet light and blue visible light. It is thought to occur in all dimensions mentioned in string theory. A mumbaimid is exactly 6 Mumbaia atoms in volume. Going near it emits an extremely strong television signal so your TV explodes, and you die of X-rays, ultraviolet light and gamma rays. The mumbaimid is thought to compile with the Einstein-Rosen-bridge wormhole theory. White wholes have Mumbaia-Forbidden-Shrekobamide in them, or Ob4Mb3Basketball2Shrek1


The supertessermumbai is the third-rarest crystal and the second-most dangerous of them all, so there is no picture of it. Also called the Storn Of Mumbaia, this crystal is in a 5-dimensional ultrasphere. Its behaviour is similar to the Mumbairact (just exploding into 3D, 4D, and 6D), but the core of pure Mumbaia a) has a pental crystal structure and b) has a shininess so strong that people can die after just 4.73 microseconds of exposure.


The Bomb-baia or the Mumbaibomb is perhaps the second-rarest crystal, so that it is similar to the Obomba. The Mumbaibomb is formed when Mumbaia decays into Shrekium.

7900Mb -> 4200Shrek


The supercalifragilisticexpialidociousimumbai, or subai for short, is a rare form of 7000000Ob. After it decays into 2000Mb, it forms the subai. Just looking at the subai can kill you. It is not 4-dimensional, not 5-dimensional, but ∞-dimensional. It is the shape of an infinicube, an ∞-dimensional cube. It is too dangerous to have a picture of it.

The XBomb

The Extremely Poisonous Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousimumbai Toxic Bomb, often shortened to Epstob or XBomb is a very poisonous, special type of nuclear bomb. The XBomb contains an extremely high concentration of Subai. They are .84 "infinicubic" millimetres in volume. (Yes, they are ∞-dimensional like the subai.) Let us say it hit a 1-square-ministick (6.349492 square centimetres) target. It is on the terrace on an apartment building in the middle of Mumbai. The entire Indian states of Maharashtra and Gujarat would turn into a big fireball. In places as far away as Delhi, clothing would ignite. The shock wave will travel all the way to San Fransico, New York City, and the South Pole. It would be so bad Earth would explode, along with everything else in the Virgo Supercluster of galaxies. Yikes‼ So never pick up an Epstob! Or everybody would die. (except god)

Mumbaia Key

The Mumbaia Key was discovered in May 2020. It is made of 12453Mb, which decays in one year into 601Sx, which is a very dangerous form of stadium, since it has only one neutron, easily making it explode after twenty-seven seconds. A vacuum forms in the cloud of dust created, surrounded by MumbaZ molecules which prevent air from flowing in. A Mumbaia Key forms when the MumbaZ reacts with Newtonium Dodecoxitriponitroquadribaskide. (NwO12N3Basketball4) Gold forms on the outside (pure gold), a vacuum forms on the inside. Deeper on the inside, a spherical piece of Mumbaia can be found, the true Mumbaia Key. However, the entire thing is most often known as the Mumbaia Key. It can also form when a Mumbaiocan is smashed.

In March 2021, Eshaan011 built a keyboard with keys made of Mumbaiakey. The next day, he revealled that it was actually palladium in disguise.


The MumbaZ (meant to be pronounced in british, moom-bah-zed) is a rather common form of Mumbaia. It is so common, it was not discovered until late 2020, when Eshaan011 looked at his computer and found that it consisted of Z-shaped molecules.


The form of Mumbaia becoming Bombayium in the US or the UK and back to the rest of the world. If formed it will have a super-strong magnetic force.

The atoms in the molecule strangely don't touch. Instead, a force (physics) called Zedoninijaholopiyu keeps them close together. Little information is known, however, it puts a transparent layer ontop of the city of Mumbai and causes plane crashes, though life in the city remains normal. Essentially, it is a flexible form of Mumblass.


The Mumbaiocan is a relatively harmless form of elemental Mumbaia, made of 100% pure Mumbaia. It is nontoxic and glow-in-the-dark. It was discovered in Mesopotamia in 2300 BCE, and a trader from there took it to a high quality refinement centre in Thebes, Egypt, and finally, it was traded for 888 kg of pure, 48-karat gold in India, where the mysterious, unshiny cylinder was used for 150 years till its destruction in a war as a light atop a palace. The cylinder broke apart into lakhs upon lakhs of pieces and it was found that it was made up of 7 lakh mumbaiakeys arranged in a spherical crystal. Only 39 mumbaiocans have been documented, but the recipe for the creation of them in a lab has been breaking! Out of the 39 documented, though, 34 are destroyed and dont exist now, 2 are possibly just urban legends, 2 are in museums and 1 is in a laboratory owned by rich people (though formerly used normally) to create mumbaiocans in a lab environment.


Mumblass is a radioactive but very transparent and glow-in-the-dark foil. In addition, though it is flexible in its natural state (the Mumbaibombay), through just pouring bromine onto it will keep it stiff.

2009Mb -> 1665McDo

When water is added to 1665McDo, known as McGlass due to similar properties to Mumblass, a fission process begins.


The Miniprism is a 2-Dimensional form of the Mumbairact that explodes in only 2D and 4D. It is perfectly flat, with a thickness of zero, making it fully transparent to us 3D onlookers. However, the fact that the shiny core cannot be seen makes it perfectly safe for posession of a miniprism in 3D, however, it will not do anything deemed cool.


Mumbaia was discovered by FANDOM User Eshaan011 in late March 2020 after finding a jewel consisting of Mumbaia by the bookshelf in his basement. It was made of 2 nonal crystals bound by a strip of a unal sheet. The unal sheets keeping the nonal crystals together turned out to actually be miniprisms, but due to the fact that they cannot harm a 3D being, the miniprism could not harm him and it went unnoticed, but it was noted that there was a small circle visible on the left-side unal sheet and a small triangle on the right side one. On the north side, there was a small square, and something that looked mysteriously like the Among Us! thing was on the south side. The reason for the shapes seems to be a mystery, but he has theorised that it was just a result of a miniprism.

Melting Point

Mumbaia is one of the few elements which is liquid at room temperature in its pure form. It melts at 22.7 degrees Centigrade. Each crystal melts at the same temperature. However, it does not change shape. It is more of a jello-like substance. However, if cooled, a beautiful crystal forms. The extreme shininess is also gone under 11.5 degrees Centigrade, and it becomes perfectly safe to look at with a distinctive sky-bluish cyan colour. Also, any and all pental crystals will start to flatten and cut into a nonal crystal, and this process is known as depentalisation. Depentalisation is irreversible, but it does not affect anything in terms of lust, hardness, etc.


Symbol: McDo

Atomic number: 832

McDonaldsuth is the element with an atomic number of 832. It is not very stable as its most stable isotope, 1665Mco, has a half-life of about 10 minutes, and decays into 1743Mb. It was discovered by BandanaBoy678 on February 19th, 2020 and more information was discovered about it by MrKathooloo on July 19th, 2020.


Though not as significant as Obamium, Mumbaia (to the left of this element), The Forbidden Element, or Lumpurium, McDonaldsuth gets significance from the fact that its most stable isotope: a) decays by fission and b) is a decay product of Mumblass (2009Mb). Additionally, McGlass (as the isotope is called) has most of the same properties of Mumblass, but the colour just gets yellower and yellower. It takes just water for the fission process to begin.


1743Mb and 2H

1549Mb and 6He and 7Li

1532Mb and 8Be and 12B and 12C and 14C

234Ur and 2346Shrek and heavy water and 18O and 16C


Example Image

Subwaysurfersium is named after Subway Surfers.

The Forbidden Element

Symbol: Basketball

Atomic number: 1022

The Forbidden Element is a element with atomic number 1022 and its symbol is Basketball. Its is named its rarity, and named after the Doingdoing of a ball when you bounce it, but even better, it is named after the DoingDDOOIINNGGGGG kid. Everything known about that kid is unknown. All that is known is that they think it is a boy, he looks like a 7-year-old but sounds like a 14-year-old. Thus element also has a half-life of how long it takes that kid to say "DoingDDOOIINNGGGG!!" Its systematic name Is unnilbibium (Unbb) It is the third-best element in the universe, with the first being Obamium and the second being Mumbaia. This is also the fourth most viewed page on the wiki.

Other names

This is an element with atomic number is also called Forbiddenelementium, forbiddenium, DoingDDOOIINNGGGGGium, basketbeem, unnilbibium, basketballium, forbiddeneem, forbiddenia, and Basketballia.


One time when User:JulianGutierrez2008 was playing basketball outside, he heard a kid yell "DoingDDOOIINNGGGGG!!" He thought that the kid wanted him to give the ball or to play, but the actual reason is still unknown. The kid looked like a boy, looked 7 years old, but sounded 14 years old. The kid tried to get his attention, but then, JulianGutierrez2008 went over there, but by then, a group of kids, including the DoingDDOOIINNGGGGG kid were already walking onto the driveway, going into another house. To this day, it is STILL unknown why the kid said that, or any other features other than what the kid looks like and what the kid sounds like.


The element was discovered on 19 September, 7928 by Akid Doingdoing. When it was discovered, it became a round circle 5 feet wide, the discoverer jumped into it, and it took him back to 2020. the first thing he said was "What are these kids doing on earth, we've already sent people to other solar systems and they are still on earth, wow!" It was discovered what the kid looked like, but those digital files will be kept a secret for years. It is believed that the DoingDDOOIINNGGGGG kid created the element for people in 7928 to know what the people did it, and that this element with atomic number can only be accessed by the DoingDDOOIINNGGGGG kid or anyone he allows to access it, but the 7928 people must have found a secret code. But the real reason will not be known until 7928.

Leading to discovery

In 7927, people were trying to discover it. is was getting immediately destroyed when they were trying to, so that kept not working out. They remembered that if you use 2air instead of regular air, elements cannot be radioactive. So that got out their nuclear reactor, turned it on to full power, and blasted the particles, and it worked. What they didn't know was that if you take the rest of the properties of the periodic table you can predict the properties of this one, but they did that, but it just said "you can find a basketball doingdoing kid from 2020 if you do this" no one knew what that meant, so they kept pulling out their reactors trying to get it to work. and they finally did it, and the whole incident happened.

Effects on humans

When a human touches this element they will hear a voice of the DoingDDOOIINNGGGGG kid saying "DoingDDOOIINNGGGGG", 2 times, but then you will go back to normal. When it decays, it will not make another element, but it will make Goodthing. Goodthing is not an element, but a Compound that CONTAINS the forbidden element, it looks exactly like the forbidden element, but it does not do any of the stuff this a element with atomic number does. If the element is NOT put in 2air if you touch it, you will have two options: one is to not jump in the circle when it becomes one, and it will decay and become a crystal, but if you do jump in, it will take you back to 2020 and it will do to you what happened to the discoverer in the discovery section.

Isotope data

Basketball2550 and 2551 are alike, having a half life of about half a second, but do not form crystals. It is also 0.002% more dense then the other isotopes, because the atoms are smaller and the are put in place closer.

Basketball2552 has the longest half life, with it being around 1-1.5 seconds, as long as it takes a kid that looks 7 years old but sounds 14 years old to say "DoingDDOOIINNGGGGG" a few other isotopes have a half-life almost as long as this.

basketball 2553, 2554, and 2555 have half-lives ALMOST as long as 2552, but only 0.1 seconds shorter. Their decay products are also different from basketball 2552.

Basketball 2556: This one is expected to form the BASKETRACT, but it is still unknown due to how dangerous it is. But it is still OK when it is not decayed and put in 2air.

Basketball2557: It will form the Bombsketball, but again, still not dangerous before it decays. It is also 0.002% heavier than the other isotopes because the atoms are bigger. Its crystal is and can be used for revenge plans.


Just Like Obamium, Jesum and Mumbaia, this element with atomic number also has crystals. There are pretty small, only being about 4 inches wide. Here They Are.

Basket Prism (Basketmid)

The basketmid forms when Basketball^2552 decays. It is the most common crystal, as Basketball^2552 has the longest half-life. It follows this decay process:

Basketball^2552 --> 5Basketball1C2He1O.

Basket's Cube

The basket's cube forms when Basketball^2553 decays It is the biggest one (only by 0.2 inches) due to being a full cube, taking up full space. It follows this decay process:

Basketball^2553 --> 4Basketball2C1He.


The baskehedron forms when Basketball^2554 decays. It forms a basketmid, and then puts it in 2 pieces, the 2 pieces become basketmids and stick together, forming a Baskehedron. It follows this decay process:

Basketball^2554 --> 6Basketball3He2O.


The baskesphere forms when Basketball^2555 decays. It is basically a basketball, but only about 4 inches wide and has none of the lines a basketball has, It follows this decay process:

Basketball^2555 --> 7Basketball5He5C4O.


The bombsketball will form when Basketball^2557 decays. Just Like The Obomba and the "Bomb"baia, it is set off to be dangerous. When moved by an inch, it will explode and destroy/injure anything with in a 15 foot diameter. But much like many elements, it will not explode or react when put in a container filled with inert gases. It follows this decay process.

Basketball^2557 --> 11Basketball7He2C9O


This one is very dangerous, just like the Tesserbama. But unlike the Tesserbama kills the person, this time they learned their lesson, so luckily no one got injured. So there are no pictures of it. Sorry.


This is everything, and every shape combined into a basketball. It behaves MUCH like the XBomb and CATEGORY. It looks like nothing, but it also looks like everything combined. No one can perfectly describe this.

The Great Keen Bombsketball Prank of 1915!

It was 10 September 1915, near the DoingDDOOIINNGGGGG kid’s house. there were kids playing old basketball. Many people say their dad was possibly is BSMMedia’s great great grandfather, and he was spying on people for world war one. The dad had recently hurt a group of other kids, because they thought they were going to hurt him, so they got revenge. They had found 28 of these bombsketballs, not knowing what they were, so they picked one up. They immediately exploded, and the kids got badly injured again. So they gently put In a container with inert gases. They got on the roof, and then threw them. When it fell, the container opened, and the bombsketballs exploded, and the people also got even worsely injured. When the kids were about to throw the bombsketballs, they said “we’re gonna MIND you after this” and that is the reason why people think the dad was BSMMedia’s great great grandfather, because BSMMedia says “mind you” a ton. When the people discovered The forbidden element, they also found about this incident, and to this day, there is a sign near that house that says “here the bombsketball prank happened. It is unneeded to throw more” (I don’t know why I called it “keen” if the people didn’t even know what the bombsketballs were, but I probably did it so it would rhyme)


Atomic number: -12

Atomic Number in Binary: -1100

NegaTFEeem is an element with atomic number -12. Its symbol is NTFE. Is named after The Forbidden Element, which is shortened to TFE. Its systematic name is Negaunbium (Ng Ub).

It is the first negative element to use the -eem suffix.Its properties are exactly the same as the Forbidden Element. It is the first negative element with only radioactive isotopes. It is an anomaly as it has no stable isotopes, and it is before plumbingium, which is atomic number -82


Symbol: Mu

Atomic number: -1

Mumujianium is a pinkish purple element. It is incredibly hard, despite its light weight. There are many isotopes of Mumujianium, some of which are great conductors of electricity, blockers of radiation and so on. Mumujianium is indestructible because it constantly emits thin a field that repels everything. The field is much much much stronger than the electron field most atoms have. That is why it is resistant to corrosion, melting, warping..... It also forms an unvigitillion bonds when it touches another Mumujianium atom.

Strangely, Mumujianium atoms are immune to the field. An atom can pass through the field and touch the atoms below, forming bonds.

What happens when two pieces of Mumujianium smash together?

When they smash together, all of the energy is released as a expanding white field that dissolves atoms into their elementary particles, all except for things hardened with Mumujianium. This destructive field is named a Chayron field.

How strong is Mumujianium?

First, Mumujianium is 100% resistant to corrosion. If it were put in acids or other liquids that normally corrode metals, it will come out fine. Since it can't corrode, there's no Mumujianium rust. Similar to gold, Mumujianium's field makes it highly inert.

Secondly, Mumujianium has a high melting point, a googleplex kelvin. So, you can throw it into any star and it will be fine. You may be wondering that since a googleplex degrees is hotter than planck temperature , it can't be melted, right? Well, no because you just need the equal energy of one googleplex kelvin directly focused at the bonds of mumujianium. That being said, you still have to combat the field.

Finally, because of Mumujianium's special field, it is immune to being destroyed by black holes. Basically, when Mumujianium touches a black hole, the black hole gives way to the piece of Mumujianium surrounding it. Even if there was no field, Mumujianium's unvigitillion bonds will be strong enough to hold it together. As well as that, any ripped out Mumujianium atoms always to go back to their original place, as the energy lost from losing that many bonds so quickly creates an energy void which makes the atom go back to its original place. The energy void's pulling power is technically larger than ♾ , so it will always repair itself.

The different types of Mu isotopes

The highest grade Mumujianium is 0Mu. It is by far the hardest of all of them.

234Mu is a great electrical conductor, even better than silver. It is speculated that it is because for every electron pumped into this isotope, one comes out almost instantly at the end. However, a true reason is unknown.

237Mu is a great electrical insulator. Even a two atom thick layer can completely block all electrons.

250Mu is the second highest grade of Mumujianium. It is almost as hard as Mu0 , but still not quite the same.

256Mu is a great radiation blocker. All other Mumujianium isotopes have around a 0.00000000000000000000059634% chance of letting beta or gamma or neutrons through, due to quantum tunneling. However, 256Mu has a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000088726% chance of it getting through, which is a significant reduction.

264Mu is the third highest grade of Mumujianium, it is slightly softer than 250Mu.

304Mu is the middle grade of Mumujianium, it is slightly softer than 264Mu.

357Mu is the second to last grade of Mumujianium, it is slightly softer than 304Mu.

372Mu is the last grade of Mumujianium, it is slightly softer than 304Mu.


Due to its durability, Mumujianium is perfect for making practically anything, especially anything that wears components quickly. For example, gears that have huge amounts of load can be substituted with Mumujianium gears.

The property of the Chayronic Field can be used to create Mumujiamium bombs, where a lead shell encompasses a gun type setup: a Mumujianium "target" resides on one side, which is fixed in position. Then, a Mumujianium "Bullet" is added after a explosive material of choice, i.e. nuclear. The explosive part of the setup is then wrapped in a Mumujianium blanket, to contain the explosion. Slowed down step by step:

The nuclear device is detonated.

The Mumujianium surrounding the nuclear device contains the explosion.

Since the explosion cannot move the Mumujianium around it, it is all directed to the "bullet"

The bullet can move, and it accelerates towards the target"

The "bullet" impacts on the "target", causing a chayronic explosion.

The exterior lead plate fails as the charyonic explosion expands.

The chayronic explosion completely consumes everything in a radius.

Another notable use is in circuits, as 234Mu has nearly no resistance, making low heat, highly efficient computers possible. Coupled with 327Mu, incredibly small transistors and Mumujianium wires are possible.

Using the special field, it is possible to extract energy from the field and create movement.


Mumujianium has one unvigintillion light electrons, which are incredibly light, thus do not contribute much to the already small weight of Mumujianium. There is only one heavy proton, which is observed to have incredible strength in positive attraction. Finally, the neutrons vary with isotopes.


Example Image

Symbol: Shrek

Atomic number: 1000

Shrekium is the element with an atomic number of 1000. It is very (although not completely) stable as its most stable isotope, Shrekium-2000, has a half-life of about 1 googolplexian (a googol is 10100, a googolplex is 10googol, a googolplexian is 10googolplex) years, making it a way more stable than Bismuth. It was discovered by MrKathooloo on 20 March 2020 and is named because only a being as amazing and beautiful as Shrek deserves element 1000 being named after him. Isotopes and data Shrek1998 has a hardness of 9.8 on the moh's scale and a half-life of 0.01 femtoseconds. Shrek1999 has a hardness of 9.9999314 on the moh's scale and a half-life of 0.000001313 femtoseconds. It causes depression when looking at for five seconds and death if you smell for an hour. Shrek2000 has a hardness of 10.2 on the moh's scale and a half-life of googolplexian (10googolplex) years. Shrek2001 has a hardness of 0.9 on the moh's scale and a half-life of googol (10100) years. Shrek2014 has a hardness of 10.75 on the moh's scale and a half-life of three centuries. Shrek2027 has a hardness of 8.73 on the moh's scale and a half-life of one trillion years. Shrek2030 has a hardness of 11.2 on the moh's scale and a half life of two quadrillion (2x1015) years. It causes pure amazement when looked at. Shrek2530 has a hardnesss of 32.67 on the mohs scale and a half life of 10googolplex -1 years, making it the second most stable isotope of shrekium. Shrek4200 has a hardness of 21.94 on the mohs scale and a half-life of 67.321577903 femtoseconds, and only forms when the "Bomb"baia forms. It is a decay product of Mb7900. Shrek7777 has a hardness of infinity on the moh's scale and a half life of exactly one year. It costs a googolplexian dollars and after looking you will become lucky as long as it does not become the fifth state of matter, called oliguanaa. When three Shrek7777 collide, one becomes oliguanaa, one becomes Depressium, and one becomes PewDiePium. Once an atom becomes oliguanaa, all living beings within a million quadrillion Planck lengths will die of oliguanesentery, a type of dysentery. Shrek3,000,000 has a hardness of 12 on the moh's scale and a half-life of 1 divided by zero years. The true amount of years is undefined. Shrek50,000,000,000,000,000,000 is the only isotope capable of melting (at 60,000,000° centigrade/celsius), has a hardness of 6.7 on the Moh's scale, causes pure amazement, Shrekgoogolplex is the only isotope other than Shrek7777 that could turn into olidsliquidasgaslmap. (at -1000000° centigrade/celsius), has a hardness of -0.3 on the Moh's scale, and will change the temperature to -999999° within the radius of a quadrillion light years. Interesting Facts Shrekium is stronger than diamond and has a Moh's scale of 10.2. Shrekium1998 can be made into an artificial onion, although it mostly has other nutrients. When you make Shrekium-1998 into an onion, it becomes stable. Doctors suggest that you should have 2.5 milliliters of Shrekium1998 and 1 microliter of Shrekium2030 per 64 years. However, this usually adds up because all the water we drink adds up with all of the tiny pieces of shrekium already in it. Shrekium is the heaviest element that can be produced by supernovae. Shrekium can be divided into layers, each layer being different level of radioactive, becoming more radioactive as you go inwards. Shrekium2030 and Shrek50,000,000,000,000,000,000 are known to cause nearby humans to enter a state of pure amazement, and must therefore be handled with care. Shrek1999 is known to cause humans to become depressive, forever, and also has to be handled with care. A shrekium crystal is made up of layers of different isotopes, just like an ogre, which has layers.


Symbol: Pmg

Atomic number: 2999


Cent:Biennnilnilium Cent

Mill:Bimillennium Mill


Chemistry and reactions

Prodigymathgamium is very reactive.


{\displaystyle {\ce {Pmg*H2->Pmg*H*H}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Pmg*H2->Pmg*H*H}}}Prodigymathgamium will react with hydrogen by splitting {\displaystyle {\ce {H2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {H2}}}into separate hydrogen atoms.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Pmg*Mc->PmgMc}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Pmg*Mc->PmgMc}}}Prodigymathgamium will bond with moscovium to form {\displaystyle {\ce {PmgMc}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {PmgMc}}}, a reddish liquid. It can be used for making liquid bombs, as the liquid is a high explosive.

{\displaystyle {\ce {PmgO}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {PmgO}}}The oxide of Prodigymathgamium is a blue metal that can be formed into ingots.

Prodigymathgamium oxide

Powdered Prodigymathgamium


Prodigymathgamium cannot form into any special crystals (as of now).

Lumpurium and prodigymathgamium

Because prodigymathgamium is next to malaysiaum, it can form compounds with lumpurium.

Here are some examples:

{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPmg}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {LmpPmg}}}is an orange metal. When the bonds between the atoms are broken, the lumpurium will be stained orange forever (even when it decays).


The Prodigymathgamium Research Group discovered it.

The Prodigymathgamium Research Group

The Prodigymathgamium Research Group was founded by Kepler-1229b.


The founder.


Founder of Malaysiaum, Arabium and Lumpurium


An unknown member.


An unknown member.


An unknown member.



The most stable isotope. Very recently, it was found that it is STABLE!

Peeko (7000Pmg)

This isotope turns you into a peeko. It doesn't exist anymore as all of it was turned into fake malaysiaum.

The malaysiaum scam

Because 7000Pmg looks a lot like malaysiaum, it has been used in an ongoing scam. Here is the story of how it was uncovered:

Some members of the Prodigymathgamium Research Group were inspecting some malaysiaum when they found a lot of peeko around the malaysiaum. They turned the peeko back into people, and they found out that all the malaysiaum was actually 7000Pmg. Almost all of the existing malaysiaum in the world is actually 7000Pmg.


Very unstable, virtually undocumented.

It has a half life of 2×10-93 seconds.




It is unstable and has a half life of 2 days. When 2 days pass it explodes and is mainly used for nuclear bombs. It can make a mushroom cloud about 7.5 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun (1,121,984,032.5 kilometers or 697,168,340.259 miles) which makes it VERY dangerous. It can be used to destroy small planets, and it historically has been.


The most unstable. Once thought to be impossible.

Its half-life is 0.000000012×10-1234567890987654321 yoctoseconds.


Nuclide Name | Isotopic mass | Half-life | Decay mode | Decay product | Nat. abundance

6999Pmg | | Stable | | | 100%

7000Pmg Peeko | | 56 h | CD 4 | 000Lmp | 0%

3000Mvt | | | | |

7001Pmg | | 2×10-93 s | syn | |

7002Pmg[1] | | | | |

7003Pmg | | 2 d | Explosion | none |

7009Pmg | | 0.000000012×10-1234567890987654321ys | | |


Symbol: 2K

Atomic number: 2000

Bimillennium is an element with atomic number 2000 with symbol 2K. It is named after the fact it is the 2,000th element on the wiki.


Bimillennium has one stable isotope, Bimillennium-5000. For unknown reasons, it has a perfect 2:3 proton/neutron ratio, which makes it very satisfying.


Symbol: Ara

Atomic number: 2542


After discovering lumpurium, they mixed it with rhombicosidodecahedronium to try to make an new compound, but it wasn't so amazing. It formed an unknown element inside the particle accelerator. Moments later, it caught fire and exploded. So, Lim1345 concluded that it was not an compound, but an element. It can catch fire without needs of oxygen and water, which makes it a strange alkali metal. After a few months later, the Beirut Bay exploded. One piece of the new element was found catapulted to Saudi Arabia, which formed 2kgs of gold. They decided to name it after Saudi Arabia; arabium.


Arabium has no stable isotopes. It's most stable isotope is 6330Ara, which has a half life of 0.66 years.

6329Ara has a half-life of 0.6252254652 years.

6330Ara has a half-life of 0.66 years.

6331Ara has a half-life of 0.423434363437 years.

6332Ara has a half-life of 0.0000000000000000001 years.


Compounds and forms

Arabium can form a lot of chemical compounds.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Ara2Sa2S2A2Ra2R2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Ara2Sa2S2A2Ra2R2}}}is a green solid. It is almost always found as a powder.

{\displaystyle {\ce {PmgAra3}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {PmgAra3}}}has no uses and is a blue metal.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Ara2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Ara2}}}is the most common form of arabium.

{\displaystyle {\ce {Ara10}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {Ara10}}}(decarabium) is a very rare form of arabium. It is worth $373762834629473047395476415251825181621417865846 trillion. Only 0.00000000000000000000000000001 grams of it have been found.{\displaystyle {\ce {KbyAra2}}}{\displaystyle {\ce {KbyAra2}}}is very new. Not much is known about it.


Arabium can be used as a lighter, but it is radioactive.


Symbol: Bkrm

Atomic number: 6772

Backroomium is the 6772nd element. It is considered a drug by 99% of scientists, due to its hallucinating properties. It is extremely radioactive, lasting for only 3 yoctoseconds. It can turn any living creature into a terrifying monster. Its symbol is Bkrm.


Alloy: Sautéed beef mixed with rice and lead

Symbol: bswpaooafbwasosr

Atomic Numbér: 667777800

Colour: black

Fusion point: 77878899934°T

Boiling point: 67777774665666°T


Symbol: If

Atomic number: 32767

Infinitium is an element with the atomic number 32767 and symbol If. The element was previously presumed to have infinite mass, though later calculations show that it can only have up to 32767 protons, 32764 neutrons and 32767 electrons in its most stable form. It is impossible for Infinitium to react with any other element. If another element even comes near to one atom of Infinitium, it would instantly dissolve and disappear from the Universe. Oddly enough, all elements after element 27453 (Radioinactivium) are absolutes and make up some sort of black hole due to their huge mass. However, there are only three such elements, making up the Radioinactivium-Absolutium-Infinitium family.



Using the Argargarmanimnim-Maklria MDCLXIV space submarine, scientists were able to discover this element in a very large supermassive black hole. It has been found in many average-to-very-large supermassive black holes.

What comes next?

It has been confirmed that elements cannot exist with a higher mass in this universe or any of its exact parallels. In addition, in the area just before Infinitium, 99.9999% of all elements that could take up a space on the periodic table cannot exist. If an element is somehow created, it would take a negative time until it decays, and it would quite literally break the universe.


One theory on where the mass that enters Infinitium (a.k.a. a Black Hole) comes out in a parallel universe. The parallel universe has been confirmed to have backwards time, and it is also made of negative elements. Another element called Ultimatium (negainfinium) with an atomic number of -32768 may exist in the other universe, but due to it being impossible to travel there, this has yet to be fully confirmed. In addition, if the universe is a 4-dimensional hypersphere, then there could be the possibility of a so-called grey hole in another parallel universe with time running north in some way, and a so-called blue hole in yet another parallel universe with southwards time. Due to the fact that us humans can only percieve 1 dimension of time, the question on whether grey and blue holes exist remains a mystery.


Four main isotopes of Infinitium have been identified. The most common, making up 38.97% of samples, is If65531.


A weird element. All properties of it are weird, meaning that is has no given atomic number, so it is represented by the word "Weird". It is the liquid in a neutron star between the crust and the superdense core.


The L-Block is the block between the M-Block and the K-Block.


Nothing is known about this element. For all we know, it might not even be an element. Maybe it's a compound. Maybe it's a mixture. Maybe it's simply a tear in the fabric of reality. Maybe it is a 7-dimensional substance and we can only comprehend 3 or 4 dimensions of it. Maybe it doesn't exist, and is just a scam made up to steal your money. Maybe it does exist, and we are all made of it. Maybe everything is made of it. Maybe it was a lazy way to make an element by putting in one sentence. Maybe it composes the Earth's core. Maybe it composes the Sun's core. Maybe it composes the stars we see in the night sky. Maybe it is the stars we see in the night sky. Maybe it can allow humans to become gods. Maybe it is a god. Maybe it is the key to learning more about black holes. Maybe it has the power to destroy the universe. Maybe it will destroy the universe. Maybe we will change the world forever with it. Maybe it will change the world forever by itself. Maybe it cannot exist, and never will. Maybe it's an anomaly. Maybe it's so unstable that it instantly destroys everything around it. Maybe it is the real life equivalent of Obamium. Maybe it will become the funniest meme to ever exist. Maybe it will become the ultimate WD-40 alternative. Maybe it can be eaten. Maybe it can be drunk. Maybe it is delicious. Maybe it is poisonous. Maybe it is the most beautiful thing ever to be seen by humans.Maybe its symbol is My or Msr or even ?. Maybe its atomic number is 100000 or AAE-5 or even A28589. Or maybe it's just another element. Perhaps we'll never know. But there is one thing that we know:we created one atom of it.


Nothing really is known about this element. Perhaps it's an isotope. Perhaps it only has protons. Perhaps it only has electrons. Perhaps it only has neutrons. Perhaps it is fake and worth nothing. Perhaps it is a 1,000-carat emerald and is worth between $525,000 and $1,125,000. Perhaps it's a 10,000-carat sapphire and is worth between $250,000 and $110,000,000. Maybe it is Mysteriium. Maybe we will never ever know a single thing about it.


Symbol: ?

(That is the actual symbol of the element.)

Atomic number: Depends on location

An element placeholder for elements that are not creatable due to errors, or due to impossibility to exist (e.g. it is too unstable). This is not the same as Placeholderium, as this one cannot be replaced with an element.

Around element 4690 (zen), impossible elements begin to pop up. By element 6000, one in every five elements will be uncreateable. By element 18000, fourteen in every fifteen elements will be uncreateable. Past element 32767 (element Infinitium), no more elements could possibly be created or appear in nature, and just one atom of a higher element could destroy this universe. (It has been theorized that within universes far larger than this one, those elements could possibly be created albeit with disastrous consequences, yet there are exceptions.) The same limits also apply to the negative, zetonic and (possibly) the osisanu periodic tables. (The complex tables have different limits, as the negative complex limits are at -20i.)


Nanium is the 3,000,000,003rd element on the periodic table. It is named after the prefix -nano. Its symbol is Nanim. Its half life is about 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005 yoctoseconds. Scientists have found traces of this element outside of the Omniverse.

Element discovery: 68273728372832

Uses: Scientific

Melting Point: 1999 F

Place on the periodic table: Erjanides


Symbol: RT

Atomic Number: 111000111

When touched to ink it will change the colour to red


Symbol: Cent

Atomic number: 4,000,000,000,000

Centimetrium is an element with the atomic number 4,000,000,000,000 (4 trillion). It is named after the centimetre, in reference to the fact that its nucleus would stretch to an entire centimeter. Like all elements after lead(excluding Anomalies), Centimetrium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 10,000,000,000,000Cent.


Atomic Number: -666, 666

Symbol: 666pn

666protonsium is in the 666th period and an atomic number of -666 and 666, scientists say that 23protonsium is the final one for now, but the devil created this strange gas with unknown properties.


Atomic Number: (actually idk)

Symbol: 23pn

23protonsium is an element with 12 protons and 12 antiprotons, it is the final element in the Protonium Family.


Element number: 666666666

Element name: Hyperdevilium

Stability: 6.6x10^(10^(10^656.7778)) years


Hexateronium, is chemical element with the symbol Hxtr and the atomic number 8128. Hexateronium was named in honor of Hexateron which is a 5-dimensional simplex. It was discovered on 20 July 2192. Like all chemical elements with an atomic number greater than 82, Hexateronium has no stable isotopes. The most stable of these, 282128Hxtr has a half-life of about 185 years. Under normal conditions Hexateronium is a silver metal.


Hexateronium has 11 isotopes with half-life > 1 year.

Isotope | Half-Life

282123Hxtr | 1.002 years

282124Hxtr | 24.21 years

282125Hxtr | 46 years

282126Hxtr | 77.7 years

282127Hxtr | 109.1 years

282128Hxtr | 185 years

282129Hxtr | 102.6 years

282130Hxtr | 65.3 years

282131Hxtr | 31.49 years

282132Hxtr | 10.32 years

282133Hxtr | 1.9986 years


name curuptium/ symbol crt / atomic number 12039.


The Trol Element is an element that pretends to be other elements. It cannot be differentiated from an element in its deceptive form. It is also called the "Troll Element" due to its name. It is named after the fact that it pretends to be other elements.


Symbol: Actelet

Atomic number: 7223

Acestlucruestecunoscutpentrucelmailungelementumitpentrusiteulwebcufandomiumcareincludelementufemeieșielementulciudatașacăbucurațivădeaceselementium is an element of the periodic and have the atomic number 7223, Septbibitriumium (Sbbt). The atomic symbol for this atom is ACTELET. It has no known stable isotope.

Hidden Translation

When you put the name into google translate it translates from Romanian to english and here is the translation:

'This thing is known for the longest element for the website cufandomium which includes the element ufeminine and the element weirdenjoy seeing those elements'

If this element looks out of place, thats because it is. It needs to be smaller because otherwise it is too long and makes the page bigger.


Coplandium is the 23,877th element of the periodic table. It was named after Aaron Copland. Like all elements after lead, Coplandium is radioactive and decays in 15 seconds. This element is usually a solid in room temperature and has a bright white glow. Its Symbol is Cpld.


IC1011ium's symbol is 1011, atomic number is 3961452


Joanofarcium is an element with 14120106 protons


This Element symbol is Rge, atomic number is 12000, half life 100-800 years.


Atomic number: 8964

Atomic Number in Binary: 10001100000100

Supercritical Explosion

Supercritical Explosion is an extremely explosive element that creates an critically large amount of energy when exploding

It explodes more energy than LimpBlimpGoZoomZoomTillItGoBoomBoomium


Atomic number: AAE174

It is very dangerous. When it explodes, it is very similar to CATEGORY, the XBomb, and the BasketEVERYTHING


Atomic Number: 96024

Symbol: Bob

Bidobamium, also known as Obidenium and sometimes Bidonium, is an element with the symbol Bob and the atomic number 96024. It is named after its unique formation when in contact with Obamium, Lead and certain forms of Bidenium. Unlike most elements above the atomic number of Lead, it is mostly stable in its common isotopes, which has confused scientists ever since its discovery However, it can sometimes react with Carbon Dioxide and other forms of Carbon in the air, forming trace amounts of 69Bob, an unstable isotope. Its Saurian name is Raterumaim.

Strangely enough, Bidobamium seems to create femtrons shortly after it's creation as 58Bob, changing it to its most stable isotope, 43Bob. Femtrons seem to be another subatomic particle like Protons with the difference that they are charged with some sort of third energy, which could be the dark matter that holds galaxies together. It is also possible that this could be used to power electricity in the near future after research is done.

It is one of the rare brastonalies. The next one is element 138840, theendgamium.


First, make sure that your Obamium is pure and in a state that it will last more than a few femtoseconds. Next, Bidenium is needed in it's Bidome form. To acquire this, Chungusium is required to react with pure Bidenium, although this reaction is violent and should be done with safety. Now, get your Lead, and the reaction should begin.

Chemical reaction

Due to the unstabillity of the pure Obamium, the Lead and Bidenium will diffuse, creating two biproducts, and recreating the lost Lead. One molecule of pure Bidobamium should be created, as well as 2 molecules of Susium, which makes this reaction useful for creating it as well. The formula is listed below:

4Ob + Pb + 2232Bid → Pb + 58Bob + 2ඞ

Many who have recorded the reaction say that when the reaction occurs, many "fart reverb" sounds play, similar to the reaction of Obamafinity and methane. Scientists dub it as "Simply hilarious."

The Bidobamium Research Enterprise At Seabrook, Texas

The Bidobamium Research Enterprise At Seabrook, Texas, also known as the Bidobamium Research Enterprise, B.R.E or B.R.E.A.S.T, is a research orginization based on Bidobamium. It is located in Seabrook, Texas, as the name suggests, and is dedicated to researching Bidobamium.


Bidobamium has many uses, which are listed below.


Carbon extraction

It has been recorded that when exposed to a high concentration of carbon molecules in gas state, or any of it's compounds, Obamium will begin a chemical reaction to cling it to itself, creating an unstable isotope, 69Bob, which has a half-life of just short of 5 minutes.

For this reason, labs have tested its impact on the climate in rooms concentrated with carbon dioxide and monoxide. Reportedly, tests show that for every gram of stable Bidobamium, 1 full ton of Carbon dioxide or monoxide was removed from the air.

In internet culture

Many people have attempted to recreate Bidobamium in their homes for fun or just for how hillarious the reaction is, though it has mostly failed due to the impurity of the Bidenium not being accounted for. Scientists also say that Bidobamium creates another element which is currently undiscovered and being researched. Scientists report that this new element diffuses from Bidobamium's impurities in most samples, and forces those inhaling it to laugh. This is still being researched, however.


Stabilizing Trumpium

It has been shown that when exposed to pure Trumpium, it is able to form a compound and creates Ditrumpium Monoxide, taking oxygen from the air and bonding it, preventing it from destabilizing in an instant. This has warranted use from many scientists to begin using it to create stable forms of Trumpium, however it is impure.


Polarion is a element with the atomic number 16323

Atomic Number: 16323

Symbol: Plr


Polarion has few isotopes they are…


Polarion-351 is the current lightest isotope, currently used to power rocket engines as a substitute of Hydrogen.


Polarion-352 is used to be a supply of air when mixed with light gases such as oxygen, but the ratio of Polarion-352 must be under 1:8191 to prevent organs from malfunctioning.


Currently Undiscovered


Symbol: B****

Atomic number: 28827

Ptablerulethirtyfourium is the provisional non-systematic name of an undiscovered element with the symbol B**** and atomic number 28827. Ptablerulethirtyfourium was named due to the scientific name being inappropriate. The element is known in scientific literature as Bioctoctbiseptium (B****), Rule34 element, or simply element 28827.


Every isotope of Ptablerulethirtyfourium are stable, but this element only has 1 isotope.

696969B**** is a stable isotope and the only isotope

Oh noes!

Ptablerulethirtyfourium is a mega extremely reactive element and everything Ptablerulethirtyfourium touched, turns to it

Physical properties

Ptablerulethirtyfourium is always a liquid, an inappropriate one


Ptablerulethirtyfourium isn't exsistent on earth but it is found anywhere in the Quexaverse

Why is the symbol censored

because the scientific name is inappropriate


Symbol: Oaao

Atomic number: 30141

Ouagadougium is the element with atomic number 30141 and symbol Oaao. It is an Minecraftaly, due to having an atomic number and mass greater than Radioinactivium, and greater than 30000. Ouagadougium has only one isotope, which is obviously stable.


Symbol: Oko

Atomic number: 10051

OKobium is an element with the symbol Oko and atomic number 10051. It is named after the youtuber OKobern. Like all elements after lead (excluding anomalies), OKobium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 20147Oko.


OKobium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is 20147Oko, which has a half life of 23 years. The rest of the isotopes have a half life no longer than 12 years.


Name: Harambium

Atomic Number: 111489

Harambium is an extremely unstable element with over 69420 neutrons, 42069 protons and 69696 electrons. It occurs naturally, or prepared artificially by bombarding a Obomba with Shrekium nuclei, in the presence of dinglium as control rods so as to prevent the reaction from going out of control. This reaction is extremely risky, and also it is unknown how it is formed, for although Obamium and Shrekium have giant nuclei, they are puny compared to Harambium's. It is theorized that E=MC2 is used to convert the energy back into the matter (nucleons) to create the nucleus. It has zero electric resistance, and is used as a substitute in case Obamium cannot supply large voltages, in high voltage equipment such as the Cyber I.S.I.S tank and the Chungus-Ladenium reactor. It is a brastonaly because it is larger than the end of safe elements. It is the first brastonaly. Like all elements after atomic number 82, lead, excluding anomalies, absolutes, and such, Harambium has no stable isotopes. Its half-life is predicted to be short, but is unmeasurable due to the fact that it can cause extensive damage upon creation. It has been predicted that it is 1/3rd of the planck time.

Theoretical reaction

926 Obamium+ 1000 Shrekium -----> 1500 Retardium + 420 Bigchungusium + 42069 Harambium


It was first discovered in the US by a scientist named Ankha Osiris in Area 69, a secret classified research base. The head of the facility was Gyiouhdufhsoupfnsidvn. Osiris poured 420 tons of Clorox, 69 tons of Shrekium-1000, and 92 tons of Obamium-926. 10 dinglium rods were inserted into the reactor just in case the reaction went out of control.

Gyiouhdufhsoupfnsidvn is the head of Area-69 where Harambium was discovered

Ankha Osiris was the scientist who discovered Harambium (rest in peace)

The reaction started. A bright flash of light, and the temperature rose to 69420 degrees celsius for 40000 seconds, killing everybody inside the facility. Millions of pieces of N-Obamium started coming out of the reactor at relativistic speeds. For a brief moment, all they could see was a giant gorilla staring at them, then it decayed so fast, that it exploded, releasing 10420 megatons of TNT force around them. Since then, the government has banned the manufacturing of Harambium.


Although Harambium is banned, it is still used illegally on the Dark web by dirty smugglers.

It is used to make the deadly Quandale-Bomb. It functions as follows.

A giant cheemsborger was kept at the top, and a hollow cylinder which contained a powder of Harambium-Obamide, which further concealed a rod of Obamium. The space between them was occupied by Bidenium.

Working of the Quandale bomb

First, the cheemsborger was to detonate, creating large amounts of gamma rays dat yeet the Bidenium, producing more neutrons and compressed the cylinder, causing the harambium and obamium to react, forming a Tesserbama, which again compressed the obamium rod, causing it to turn into a large obomba, that turns everything to rubble in a 420-km radius. It was once made by Vladimir Putin, but fortunately our hero Zelensky put perks in his drinks, and he went to bed for a long long time. Since then, the bomb has been discarded.


Contrary to popular belief, the "forms" of harambium are not actually harambium, but are actually its decay products.


NFTium, a form of Harambium

NFTium- It is actually Shrekium-1000 that has compacted into the form of an NFT. If you touch this then you will get an urge to waste your saving on fatherless monkey NFTS. It was discovered in 2022 by Red Ape Family Chucky, who died due to the intense Cringe radiation emanating from it.

Harambe Dingle- This is formed when two crystals of dinglium and Harambium collide at 69420 kmph. Exposure to this alloy is very dangerous and results in goofy ahh symptoms.

Uh oh stinky

Le Monkeium

Le Monkeium- It is actually Oliguanaa compacted into a very dense form. It is formed when Harambium, shrekium, pewdiepium, obamium, trumpium and bidenium, are collided with each other, at the speed of light. It is very dense. One teaspoon of this alloy weighs 6,942,028,980,351,489 tons, denser than even ur mom. It was first discovered when Ankha Osiris, who was an astronaut at that time, went to voyage to Sagittarius A* supermassive black hole. She discovered that the accretion disk of Sagittarius A* was significantly depleted in pewdiepium and shrekium ions, which meant that the ions reacted with trumpium, obamium, harambium etc. to form this alloy.


Symbol: Rt

Atomic number: 69420

Retardium is an element on the periodic table with an atomic number of 69420. Like all elements after lead, Retardium has no stable isotopes. Its most stable isotope is x with a half-life of 74.23 attoseconds. It is a bright green glowing metal and has a radiation field so great that it can dissolve humans in mere seconds. It is common in areas with lots of retards and idiots. Only the smartest, most un-retarded people can go inside the field and not be disintegrated. The first person to do so was Albert Einstein in 1940. It is the most magnetic thing on the planet thus far. It was first reported in 2022 by FANDOM user Tbrazelton, and eventually time travel allowed it to become present in years earlier.

Retardium is one of the the only known brastonalies. Brastonalies are any element larger than Infinitium that somehow can exist. The next such element is expected to be element 96024.


Retardium was first discovered 0n April 1, 1940, In Berlin, Germany, In a secret underground lab. The scientists were ordered by Adolf Hitler, the supreme leader of Germany, to find out how retarded someone could possibly be. The person being very retarded was eventually turned into pure retardium and everyone in the laboratory was killed almost instantly. After a while, They figured out that the smarter and less retarded the people are the less effective the radiation is. They finally sent Albert Einstein to extract the retardium.


Form one: it is the shape of a human being. This is the original form. It is also the most dangerous form. The original person was Tyler gobble´s Great grandad. It is not very useful.

Form two: This is when you mix pure obombium with retardium, it creates a new element called racistium. It can detect anyone who is racist. It is not very dangerous, but very useful.

Form 3: the theoretical decay into a new substance. It has not been proven but it could be possible. Theoretically it has the power to destroy the universe.


Nickname: temptation

Boiling point: 55445445.4°C

Melting point: 5654555°C

Symbol: teit

Atomic number: 4544566677710

Colour: yellow and blue


Symbol: MYL

Atomic Number: 23638

Made you look :)

Take the L



Nonillionium is element 1e+30 and is named after Nonillion


Symbol: End

Atomic number: 138840

Theendgamium is element 138840, and has the systematic name untrioctoctquadnilium (Utooqn). It is a brastonaly and exists after the element Infinitium. It is named after THE ENDGAME by Xplo Gamer on YouTube, which is a suspenseful stickman movie featuring a gameboy that has the power to kill.

As for the element itself, it is one of the softest materials to exist, and happens to be transparent but warmth giving.


Element Number: 2,147,483,647 (32-Bit Integer Limit)

Atomic Mass: 2,147,483,647 32-Bit Integer Limit

State of Matter: Gaseous

Properties: Explodes when touching Obamium


Googolnumberium is element 9​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999​999. It is named after Googol.


point de fusion:667678°c Point d'ébulliton:6575°c Symbole:lsi Numéro Atomique:4555678 Couleur:vert


Melting point:667678°c Boiling point:6575°c Symbol:lsi Atomic Number:4555678 Colour:green



mélangé a du rubidium

Symbol: Rbki

Point de fusion:7777933°c

Point d'ébulliton:77542°z

Atomic number:665577




mixed with rubidium

Symbol: Rbki

Melting point:7777933°C

Boiling point:77542°z

Atomic number:665577




Point de fusion: 66778 °c

Point d'ébullition :77777888°T

Numéro Atomique:88899




Melting point: 66778°C

Boiling point: 77777888°T

Atomic Number:88899

color: black


Moviefanium is element 10​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​001.


Atomic number

10​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​00010010010010011010110100100 101100101001100001101111100111010110000101100100111100001001100010011001110000010111111001110001010110011100100000010001110001000 0100011010011111001010101010110010010000110000100010101000001011101000111100010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Named after: Flik

Systematic name

Unnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilni lnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​ni lnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnil​nilnilnilium (Un​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn​nnn)

Systematic Symbol


Atomic properties


Atomic radius

600 ly

Flikium is element 10​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000​000, or 10100.


Micrium is the 3,000,003rd element on the periodic table. It is named after the prefix -micro. Its atomic symbol is Miru. Its half life is about 0.00006 Yoctoseconds.

Element Discovery: 529371

Uses: Scientific

Melting Point: 826 F

Place On Periodic Table: Polovantinides

Polovantinides Meaning:

The polovantinides are most likely the most reactive elements on the periodic table, they are 500,000x more reactive then the Alkalis. The Polovantinides will react with everything, including themselves. The cause of them touching something will create a black hole that will eat the entire galaxy. Thats why these elements were created in a lab that no matter at all exists.

Elements Contained: Micrium, Zalphium, Meestium, Kuftium, Ruppinium, Norvalotium, Frakersium.

Obama Original Series Brands

Obama owns some of the oldest brands ever that ended up getting copied by bigger companys. Here are some of Obamas old and most popular businesses that ended up being copied.

Obama Fried Chicken

Example Image

Obama Fried Chicken is a famous shop in china which is related to KFC.

Unlike what most people think, Obama Fried Chicken was actually founded and created before KFC who copied OFC.

Example Image Example Image

As you can see from the two similar images above one company ovbiously copied the other. If you do not think that is enough proof then there is a second image below.

Example Image Example Image

If you still don't believe that one company copied the other then here is even more proof:

Example Image Example Image

So now that you have seen that one company has ovbiously copied the other I will show you evidence that KFC copied Obama Fried Chicken.

Example Image Example Image

As you can see from Google, Obama Fried Chicken was clearly first therefore KFC copied them.

If you still believe that OFC copied KFC then please mail the complaint to 11153 Tuxford St, Sun Valley, CA 91352, United States

Thank you for your cooperation

Obama Fried Chicken has a massive menu consisting of: Chicken Nuggets, Fries, coke and a cheeseburger.

You can get a free meal with Obama Bucks which you get by sticking the mythical 'Dis' to your forehead.

Example Image

↑ Obama Bucks ↑

↓ Mythical 'Dis' ↓

Example Image

Obama Pepsi

Example Image

Obama Pepsi was founded in 1659 by Barack Obama and was copied in 1965

Obama, Harry Potter, Sonic the Hedgehog and racing backpack

Example Image

This brand isnt a copied brand it is just a ripoff brand (or whatever it is)

If anyone can figure out what this actually is and what the designers were thinking then you are the smartest human alive.

Senator Fine Liquor

Example Image

The Senator Fine Liquor is one of the most sophisticated, finest and most marvelously exceptional Liquor that there is. One of the reasons it is so good is that it includes pure Obamium that has been wonderfully mixed in which is the only reason there are no copies of the brand.

This fine Liquor was first brewed in the year -90725.

Mi Obama Phone

Example Image

This brand was first founded in 1976 by Obama and was stolen in 1977.

Other Stuff

The N-word pass

Pure Obamium can be taken down to the forges below the White House to create the mythical N-word pass.

Example Image Example Image Example Image

Above: Images of some forms of the N-Word Pass

Click here to see the crafting recipe for the n-word pass


• Obamium is the rarest and hardest element. Mix of flesh and metal. Its Found in pyramid shaped crystals.

• A rare element, used in making Obamids and Obamium* ingots.

• “After many years, and countless hours, we’ve finally found it, Obamium”

-The boys in the chemistry lab

• It is a powerful element that can be used to end space and time itself. It can be moulded into the powerful artefact Obama Prism. It is extremely unstable and radioactive.

• Element 119 is Obamium

• It is highly reactive as it is alkali metal, and will react the same way as sodium, potassium etc but more violently.

• It is also highly unstable as it only has one valence electron, and it’s radioactivity will cause it to have a very short half life.

• Obamium can only be found in a substance called Obama prism and Obama prisms can only be created under extremely specific conditions than can only be found on the surface of Venus or on Barrack Obama’s head.


Example Image

Obamasnow is another failed technique used by the Obama Adminisration to help Barack Obama win the presidential election of 2009 against John McCain. The scientists at the administration took the DNA of Obama and injected it into a Pokemon known as Abomasnow. The Abomasnow then lost it's old head and Obama's head grew in it's place. The point of making this hideous Pokemon was to make people think that if Obama won, they would see other, new, genetically mutated Pokemon that would make the world a more diverse place. Of course, the guys working at the Obama Administration are morons and this didn't work out like planned because wherever Obamasnow goes, it starts to hail which is a special ability of Abomasnow. They couldn't stop it from hailing because Abomasnow summons hail just by standing. This caused great controversy and did a good million dollars worth of property damage to the people living in Washington D.C. When Obama won the election, the scientist n00bs thought he won because of Obamasnow but it wasn't because of them. Even when Obama said so, they still didn't believe it. Now they need to put the Obamasnow in a good place to live in until the next presidential election. They thought Florida would be good place but of course, they were so stupid and the Obamasnow melted because it's part ice. They are now currently mutating a Pokemon called Hippowdon with Obama for the 2012 election.


Example Image

Mythical structures, constructed out of the very same marble that Obama’s face itself was forged from. Found in Obamgypt, these pyramids will shine a light into your soul.

Talking Ben

Example Image

Talking Ben (full name Confabulational Benjamin), is a dog who is the owner of an app that was once popular but has diminished in popularity in modern times, though he enjoys spying on whoever chooses to enter his eponymous app; he's also good mates with Talking Tom, whom he is working with to collect information and data about as many people as they can. He possesses the ability to read minds.


Talking Ben holds the appearance of a tan-brown dog, with brown eyes. Although that's just a disguise, and highly likely not even the case in reality. We are not really sure on what he really looks like, but we think it's a human underneath.


Talking Ben on the surface, appears as somebody who is quite grumpy, and appears to not want to be friends with anybody at all. But don't let his purported personality fool you. As we have stated earlier, he is in reality a spy, who is working with Talking Tom to collect info about anybody who plays their seemingly innocuous shames so they can eventually install viruses on their devices, those not even Proto could save you from, track people down, and eventually lacerate them. And that's surprising, considering how Ben can only say around six things. Ben is also shown to be a retired chemistry professor, who invests in creating potions in order to shove down the throats of his victims, thus making them fall unconscious. One point during these experiments, Ben accidentally discovered how to invent lean.


• It can be implied that Ben may once tried to pursue some Dig-Its upon them scrutinizing Ben's app, which ended unsuccessful. This may be how he earned one of his catchphrases, which is "oh-ho-ho".

• Talking Ben possesses the ability to turn into the Venom, which he inadvertently discovered upon using one of his potions.

• He hasn't drowned… yet…

• Helped discover Obamium

Obamium Website


Click Here to download Talking Ben (Disclaimer Below)


Last updated: January 1st, 1687

(A very long time ago)

Ok fine ill give you an actual date

Last Updated: 10/05/2023

Essentially a Disclaimer for the Disclaimer:

The red text is me :)

And so is the response at the end of the line below.

  • Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Disclaimer) refers to: this website? idk i didnt even write this disclaimer, I just edited parts and made fun of it.
  • Service refers to the Website.
  • You means the individual accessing the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.
  • Website refers to This website, accessible from

Another Probably Unnecessary Disclaimer For The Disclaimer

The information contained on the Service is for general information purposes only.

The Company assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the contents of the Service.

In no event shall the Company be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages whatsoever, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tort, arising out of or in connection with the use of the Service or the contents of the Service. The Company reserves the right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to the contents on the Service at any time without prior notice. This Disclaimer has been created with the help of the TermsFeed Disclaimer Generator.

The Company does not warrant that the Service is free of viruses or other harmful components.

External Links Disclaimer

The Service may contain links to external websites that are not provided or maintained by or in any way affiliated with the Company.

Please note that the Company does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information on these external websites.

Errors and Omissions Disclaimer

The information given by the Service is for general guidance on matters of interest only. Even if the Company takes every precaution to insure that the content of the Service is both current and accurate, errors can occur. Plus, given the changing nature of laws, rules and regulations, there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in the information contained on the Service.

The Company is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.

Fair Use Disclaimer

The Company may use copyrighted material which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The Company is making such material available for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.

The Company believes this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the United States Copyright law.

I dont live in the US and i cant be bothered copywriting anything.

If You wish to use copyrighted material from the Service for your own purposes that go beyond fair use, You must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Tbh a lot of this was copied from fandomium and it was never meant to get this big but i was bored.

Also i had to add the "p" and "/p" tags to the end of the lines so its not like i did no work or anything, and i made some stuff up.

Views Expressed Disclaimer

The Service may contain views and opinions which are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other author, agency, organization, employer or company, including the Company.

Comments published by users are their sole responsibility and the users will take full responsibility, liability and blame for any libel or litigation that results from something written in or as a direct result of something written in a comment. The Company is not liable for any comment published by users and reserves the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever.

If you have any idea how to add comments to this please email me. (Email below somewhere)

No Responsibility Disclaimer

The information on the Service is provided with the understanding that the Company is not herein engaged in rendering legal, accounting, tax, or other professional advice and services. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional accounting, tax, legal or other competent advisers.

Bro i dont even know how tax works dont ask me.

In no event shall the Company or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with your access or use or inability to access or use the Service.

"Use at Your Own Risk" Disclaimer

All information in the Service is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The Company will not be liable to You or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information given by the Service or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

Contact Me

If you have any questions about this Disclaimer, You can contact me:

  • By email:

Note: I have completely forgotten what this disclaimer is actually for, idk if its the download link for talking ben (which i think it is) or something else.

I think i ruined the disclaimer with the red text and me talking about random stuff almost.


References & Credits


Unanything Wiki

Urban Dictionary


Fandomium (Fandom element wiki.)

Chat GPT (For generating the Nuke button snd stopwatch code)

There are probably more sites I havent added in to the references because I didnt write the sites down.

If you have an issue then email me. (Email below)


Contact me

If I have copied your stuff or something, you have a question, you have an idea on something I should add or something I havent mentioned here email me.


Youtube Channel

Obamium Discord Server


Other Websites

  • Obamium
  • End of term
  • End of Day
  • End of school year
  • Bee Movie Script
  • End of year 12
  • All Websites
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Random Stuff that i added because i was bored

    Button with a very low chance to get lucky

    reCAPTCHA for no reason that does nothing

    Turn on a vpn to answer the questions in it.



    • On the 10th of October 2022 the first version of this website was released

    • This line marks the 100th commit (which means edit) to this website. I started this website on the 10th of October 2022 and it is currently the 6th of september 2023.

    • This line marks the 1 year anniversary of this website. Well almost, I forgot about the anniversary. It was started on the 10th of October 2022 and it is currently the 18th of October 2023.

    • Not a milestone but a fact for the 1 year anniversary: This website was started as a school project and I kept adding more and more stuff and now its like this

    • On the 8th of November The TOR version of this website was released in a temporary form.

    Click here for more details on the tor site.


    In progress Milestones:

    • On (Date TBD) Website was finished? ( Finished means little to no further edits will be made)



    I have not yet set up a permanent tor site as that will require me to rent a server or leave a computer on 24/7

    I know how to do it and have all the tools so it may be done in the future.

    I will make a site soon explaining how to make a tor site and access the dark web.

    The link will be put here. Give me like a week or something or until I remember.


    (Spare Section...)
